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11 Super Funny Geometry Jokes for All Ages!

11 Super Funny Geometry Jokes

Do you love super silly and insanely funny geometry jokes?

 (Did you hear the one about the girl who was late for school? …. It was because she took the rhombus! ;)

 If so, then you will love this collection of eleven of the funniest geometry jokes and puns for all ages.

 This is your chance to add some brand new geometry sidesplitters to your joke collection, whether it be to tell better dad jokes or to share some mathematical humor with your siblings, best friends, parents, and even your math teacher! You can bet that there’s something here to give everybody a chuckle, even people who don’t love mathematics and geometry!

 The list below includes each joke in text form (with the opening line in bold font and the punch line in italics afterwards) as well as an image graphic portraying a cartoon-style depiction of the joke that you can use to share your favorite geometry jokes online and on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook!

 And if you really love silly geometry and mathematics jokes and puns, then you’ll love our best-selling book Super Silly Math Jokes for Kids!, which includes over 150 of the best math jokes and puns you’ve ever heard.

 And now it’s time to laugh out loud…

 Scroll down to see our eleven best geometry jokes and let the fun begin.

 Disclaimer: Do not, under any circumstances, drink milk (or any other beverage, really) while reading through these geometry jokes unless you are willing to run the risk of liquid shooting out of your nose because you are laughing so hard. We are not responsible for any damage that occurs from liquids shooting out of your nose. Please don’t say that you weren’t warned.

11 Super Funny Geometry Jokes for All Ages

1.) Why did Albert Einstein and Pythagoras go to small claims court?

To fight for possession of C squared!

2.) What happened when the mathematician forgot to close her parrot’s cage before she left the house?


3.) What happened to the mathematician who was caught robbing banks?

A judge sent him to prism!

4.) Where does a round flatbread covered in cheese and tomato sauce with a radius of z and a depth of a get its name from?


5.) Parallel lines have so much in common…

It’s a shame that they’ll never meet!

6.) Why do algebra teachers feel superior to geometry teachers?

Because they think that geometry teachers are too symbol-minded!

7.) What do they call the longest side of a right triangle in the forest?

A Hypoten-Moose!

8.) Why should a triangle never get into an argument with a circle?

Because it’s pointless!

9.) What do you get when you divide the circumference of a jack-o-lantern by its diameter?

Pumpkin Pi

10.) What is a mathematician’s favorite type of tree?

A Geometree (because they have square roots!)

11.) Why was the obtuse triangle so upset?

Because he’s never right!

Want More Funny Geometry Jokes?

Then you’ll love this ultimate collection of the funniest, zaniest, wackiest, and silliest math jokes and puns for all ages! Click here to get your math jokes today!

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Did we miss your favorite geometry joke, math pun, or math humor idea? Share your thoughts and suggestions in the comments section below!

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