What’s 0.14 as a Fraction?
What is 0.14 as a fraction?
Fractions and decimals can be expressed in a variety of ways and they have a unique relationship to each other. Being able to quickly and accurately convert between decimals and fractions is an extremely important and useful math skill. In this quick post, you will learn what is 0.14 as a fraction, and, if you are interested, why exactly this is the case.
Answer: 0.14 as a fraction equals 7/50
Now that you know that 0.14 as a fraction is 7/50, you can explore why this is the solution.
Why does 0.14 equal 7/50?
The first step is to figure out the place value of the final digit to the right of the decimal point. In this case, the final digit is 4, which is in the hundredths (1/100) decimal place
If you need help determining the place value of the last digit, you can use a place value chart to help you.
Want to learn how convert decimals to fractions on your own? Click here to access our free guide How to Convert a Decimal to a Fraction in 3 Easy Steps
Next, rewrite the decimal 0.14 as a fraction over one (with the decimal in the numerator and one in the denominator) as follows:
Then, multiply both the numerator and the denominator by that final place value, which was 100 in the example:
(0.14 x 100) / (1 x 100) = 14 / 100
At this point, you have found a fraction that represents 0.14. In fact, 0.14 as a fraction does equal 14/100. However, this fraction is not in simplest form.
The fraction 14/100 can be reduced.
To express the fraction 14/100 in simplest form, you will have to determine the Greatest Common Factor (often referred to as GCF) for both 14 and 100. Note that a factor is any number that divides into another number without a remainder.
Continue by listing the factors of both 14 and 100 as follows:
Factors of 14: 1, 2, 7, 14
Factors of 100: 1, 2 , 4, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100
Notice that the GCF for both numbers is 2.
The final step is to divide both the numerator and the denominator of 14/100 by the GCF, which was 2 in this example:
(14 ÷ 2) / (100÷ 2) = 7/50
Conclusion: 0.14 as a fraction equals 7/50
Keep Learning:
Looking to learn How to Convert a Decimal to a Fraction in 3 Easy Steps?
Click the link below to access our free step-by-step guide for students!
Tags: 0.14 as a fraction, .14 as a fraction, 14 as a fraction