3rd Grade Math Worksheets

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▶️ Place value: identify tens and ones (A)

▶️ Place value: identify tens and ones (B)

▶️ Place value: identify tens and ones (C)

▶️ Combine tens and ones (A)

▶️ Combine tens and ones (B)

▶️ Combine tens and ones (C)

▶️ Build a 3-Digit number (A)

▶️ Build a 3-Digit number (B)

▶️ Build a 3-Digit Number (Missing Place Values) (A)

▶️ Build a 3-Digit Number (Missing Place Values) (B)

▶️ Build a 4-Digit Number (A)

▶️ Build a 4-Digit Number (B)

▶️ Build a 4-Digit Number (Missing Place Values) (A)

▶️ Build a 4-Digit Number (Missing Place Values) (B)

▶️ Identifying place value: tens and ones (A)

▶️ Identifying place value: tens and ones (B)

▶️ Identifying place value: tens and ones (C)

▶️ Adding tens and ones (A)

▶️ Adding tens and ones (B)

▶️ Adding tens and ones - advanced (A)

▶️ Adding tens and ones - advanced (B)

▶️ Identifying a digit’s place value (to thousands) (A)

▶️ Identifying a digit’s place value (to thousands) (B)

▶️ Identifying a digit’s place value (to thousands) (C)

▶️ Identifying a digit’s place value (to thousands) (D)

▶️ Identifying a digit’s place value (to thousands) (E)

▶️ Blank place value reference chart (ones to thousands)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest 10 (A)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest 10 (B)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest 10 (C)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest 10 (up to 1000) (A)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest 10 (up to 1000) (B)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest hundred (A)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest hundred (B)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest ten or hundred (A)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest ten or hundred (B)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest hundred (0-1,000) (A)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest hundred (0-1,000) (B)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest hundred (0-10,000) (A)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest hundred (0-10,000) (B)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest thousand (0-10,000) (A)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest thousand (0-10,000) (B)

▶️ Mixed Rounding (tens, hundreds, thousands) (A)

▶️ Mixed Rounding (tens, hundreds, thousands) (B)

▶️ Mixed Rounding (tens, hundreds, thousands) (C)

▶️ Identifying Equal Parts (Shapes)

▶️ Dividing Shapes into Equal Parts

▶️ Identifying Fractions Using Diagrams

▶️ Matching Fractions with Pictures

▶️ Matching Fractions with Words A

▶️ Matching Fractions with Words B

▶️ Matching Fractions with Words C

▶️ Writing Fractions A

▶️ Writing Fractions B

▶️ Identifying Fractions Using Diagrams

▶️ Matching Diagrams with Fractions (A)

▶️ Matching Diagrams with Fractions (B)

▶️ Identifying fractions using diagrams (A)

▶️ Identifying fractions using diagrams (B)

▶️ Fraction kit reference page (Video Tutorial)

▶️ Comparing Fractions (A)

▶️ Comparing Fractions (B)

▶️ Comparing Fractions (C)

▶️ Comparing Fractions (D)

▶️ Comparing Fractions (E)

▶️ Compare fractions >, <, or = (common denominators)(A)

▶️ Compare fractions >, <, or = (common denominators)(B)

▶️ Compare fractions >, <, or = (uncommon denominators)(A)

▶️ Compare fractions >, <, or = (uncommon denominators)(B)

▶️ Compare fractions >, <, or = (improper fractions)(A)

▶️ Compare fractions >, <, or = (improper fractions)(B)

▶️ Compare fractions >, <, or = (mixed numbers)(A)

▶️ Compare fractions >, <, or = (mixed numbers)(B)

▶️ Simplifying Fractions (A)

▶️ Simplifying Fractions (B)

▶️ Simplifying Fractions (C)

▶️ Simplifying Fractions Extended Practice

▶️ Equivalent Fractions - Coloring Circles

▶️ Equivalent Fractions - True or False?

▶️ Equivalent Fractions - Fill in the Missing Values

▶️ Equivalent Fractions Practice (A)

▶️ Equivalent Fractions Practice (B)

▶️ Equivalent Fractions Practice (C)

▶️ Completing whole numbers w/ fractions (A)

▶️ Completing whole numbers w/ fractions (B)

▶️ Completing whole numbers w/ fractions (C)

▶️ Completing whole numbers w/ fractions (D)

▶️ Converting mixed numbers to fractions (A)

▶️ Converting mixed numbers to fractions (B)

▶️ Converting fractions to mixed numbers (A)

▶️ Converting fractions to mixed numbers (B)


▶️ Common Shapes Reference Sheet

▶️ Matching Shapes to Real-World Objects (A)

▶️ Matching Shapes to Real-World Objects (B)

▶️ Matching Shapes to Real-World Objects (C)

▶️ Matching Shapes to Real-World Objects (D)

▶️ Matching Shapes to Real-World Objects (E)

▶️ Matching Shapes to Their Names (A)

▶️ Matching Shapes to Their Names (B)

▶️ Matching similar shapes

▶️ Drawing shapes: circles

▶️ Drawing shapes: ovals

▶️ Drawing shapes: squares

▶️ Drawing shapes: rectangles

▶️ Drawing shapes: triangles

▶️ Drawing shapes: diamonds

▶️ Naming Three-Dimensional Shapes

▶️ Drawing lines of symmetry (A)

▶️ Drawing lines of symmetry (B)

▶️ Find the perimeter (A)

▶️ Find the perimeter (B)

▶️ Find the perimeter (C)

▶️ Find the area of each rectangle (A)

▶️ Find the area of each rectangle (B)

▶️ Find the area of each rectangle (C)

▶️ Draw the figure given the area (using a grid) (A)

▶️ Draw the figure given the area (using a grid) (B)

▶️ Draw the figure given the area (using a grid) (C)

▶️ Exploring area and perimeter using cheez-its (pdf guide)

Activity Tutorial Video Link

▶️ Classifying lines, line segments, and rays (A)

▶️ Classifying lines, line segments, and rays (B)

▶️ Classifying angles: right, acute, or obtuse (A)

▶️ Classifying angles: right, acute, or obtuse (B)

▶️ Classifying parallel and perpendicular lines (A)

▶️ Classifying parallel and perpendicular lines (B)

▶️ Angle Construction Using a Protractor (A)

▶️ Angle Construction Using a Protractor (B)

▶️ Measure Angles Using a Protractor (A)

▶️ Measure Angles Using a Protractor (B)

▶️ Addition Practice: One and Two-Digit Numbers

▶️ Adding groups of objects (equation form) (A)

▶️ Adding groups of objects (equation form) (B)

▶️ Addition: make 10 (A)

▶️ Addition: make 10 (B)

▶️ Vertical addition to 10 (A)

▶️ Vertical addition to 10 (B)

▶️ Vertical addition to 20 (A)

▶️ Vertical addition to 20 (B)

▶️ Vertical addition to 50 (A)

▶️ Vertical addition to 50 (B)

▶️ Vertical addition to 100 (A)

▶️ Vertical addition to 100 (B)

▶️ Adding Doubles

▶️ Practice adding 7

▶️ Practice adding 8

▶️ Practice adding 9

▶️ Practice adding 10

▶️ Addition practice: add to the next ten

▶️ Addition practice: adding whole tens

▶️ Addition: fill in the missing number (up to 10)

▶️ Addition: fill in the missing number (up to 20)

▶️ Addition: fill in the missing number (up to 100)

▶️ Adding single-digit numbers

▶️ Adding double-digit numbers (A)

▶️ Adding double-digit numbers (B)

▶️ Adding triple-digit numbers

▶️ Adding one and two-digit numbers (A)

▶️ Adding one and two-digit numbers (B)

▶️ Adding whole tens (3 addends) (A)

▶️ Adding whole tens (3 addends) (B)

▶️ Adding whole hundreds (2 addends) (A)

▶️ Adding whole hundreds (2 addends) (B)

▶️ Adding whole hundreds (3 addends) (A)

▶️ Adding whole hundreds (3 addends) (B)

▶️ Adding whole thousands and hundreds (A)

▶️ Adding whole thousands and hundreds (B)

▶️ Adding two four-digit numbers (vertical)

▶️ Adding three four-digit numbers (vertical)

▶️ Mixed addition and subtraction (single-digit)

▶️ Mixed addition and subtraction (2-digit)

▶️ Mixed addition and subtraction (advanced) (2-digit) A

▶️ Mixed addition and subtraction (advanced) (2-digit) B

▶️ Mixed addition and subtraction (3-digit)

▶️ Subtraction Practice: One and Two-Digit Numbers

▶️ Subtract from 10 (A)

▶️ Subtract from 10 (B)

▶️ Simple subtraction: single-digit (large font) (A)

▶️ Simple subtraction: single-digit (large font) (B)

▶️ Vertical subtraction (to 10)

▶️ Vertical subtraction (to 20)

▶️ Vertical subtraction (to 50)

▶️ Vertical subtraction (to 100)

▶️ Subtraction: fill in the missing number (up to 10)

▶️ Subtraction: fill in the missing number (up to 20)

▶️ Subtraction: fill in the missing number (up to 100)

▶️ Subtracting single-digit numbers

▶️ Subtracting double-digit numbers (A)

▶️ Subtracting double-digit numbers (B)

▶️ Subtracting triple-digit numbers

▶️ Subtracting doubles

▶️ Practice subtracting 7

▶️ Practice subtracting 8

▶️ Practice subtracting 9

▶️ Practice subtracting 10

▶️ Subtracting 1-digit numbers from 2-digit numbers (A)

▶️ Subtracting 1-digit numbers from 2-digit numbers (B)

▶️ Subtracting whole tens from 2-digit numbers (A)

▶️ Subtracting whole tens from 2-digit numbers (B)

▶️ Subtracting whole tens from 3-digit numbers (A)

▶️ Subtracting whole tens from 3-digit numbers (B)

▶️ Subtracting whole hundreds from 3-digit numbers (A)

▶️ Subtracting whole hundreds from 3-digit numbers (B)

▶️ Subtracting 3-digit numbers (vertical) (A)

▶️ Subtracting 3-digit numbers (vertical) (B)

▶️ Subtracting 4-digit numbers (vertical) (A)

▶️ Subtracting 4-digit numbers (vertical) (B)

▶️ Subtract by borrowing over two zeros

▶️ Subtract by borrowing over three zeros

▶️ Subtraction practice: subtract to the next ten

▶️ Subtraction practice: subtracting whole tens

▶️ Mixed addition and subtraction (single-digit)

▶️ Mixed addition and subtraction (2-digit) A

▶️ Mixed addition and subtraction (2-digit) B

▶️ Mixed addition and subtraction (3-digit)

▶️ Multiplication Table (Times Table to 12) - Blank

Follow-Along Times Table Chart Video Link

▶️ Practice multiplying by 0

▶️ Practice multiplying by 1

▶️ Practice multiplying by 0 or 1

▶️ Practice multiplying by 2

▶️ Practice multiplying by 3

▶️ Practice multiplying by 4

▶️ Practice multiplying by 5

▶️ Practice multiplying by 5 (Extra Practice) (A)

▶️ Practice multiplying by 5 (Extra Practice) (B)

▶️ Practice multiplying by 6

▶️ Practice multiplying by 7

▶️ Practice multiplying by 8

▶️ Practice multiplying by 9

▶️ Practice multiplying by 10 (A)

▶️ Practice multiplying by 10 (B)

▶️ Multiplication practice by 5’s and 10’s (A)

▶️ Multiplication practice by 5’s and 10’s (B)

▶️ Practice multiplying by 11

▶️ Practice multiplying by 12

▶️ Multiplication table practice (1-12) w/ missing factors (A)

▶️ Multiplication table practice (1-12) w/ missing factors (B)

▶️ Multiplying using arrays (A)

▶️ Multiplying using arrays (B)

▶️ Multiplying using arrays (C)

▶️ Model the Distributive Property Using Arrays (A)

▶️ Model the Distributive Property Using Arrays (B)

▶️ Model the Distributive Property Using Arrays (C)

▶️ Multiplying single-digit numbers

▶️ Multiplying double-digit numbers (A)

▶️ Multiplying double-digit numbers (B)

▶️ Multiplying double-digit numbers (C)

▶️ Mixed multiplication practice (0-12) (A)

▶️ Mixed multiplication practice (0-12) (B)

▶️ Mixed multiplication practice (0-12) (C)

▶️ Mixed multiplication practice (0-12) (D)

▶️ Mixed multiplication practice (0-12) (E)

▶️ Mixed multiplication practice (0-12) (F)

▶️ Multiplication practice - missing factors (0-5) (A)

▶️ Multiplication practice - missing factors (0-5) (B)

▶️ Multiplication practice - missing factors (6-10) (A)

▶️ Multiplication practice - missing factors (6-10) (B)

▶️ Multiplication practice - missing factors (8-12) (A)

▶️ Multiplication practice - missing factors (8-12) (B)

▶️ Multiplying whole tens by whole tens (A)

▶️ Multiplying whole tens by whole tens (B)

▶️ Multiplying whole hundreds by 1-digit numbers (A)

▶️ Multiplying whole hundreds by 1-digit numbers (B)

▶️ Column multiplication: 2-digit by 1-digit (A)

▶️ Column multiplication: 2-digit by 1-digit (B)

▶️ Column multiplication: 3-digit by 1-digit (A)

▶️ Column multiplication: 3-digit by 1-digit (B)

▶️ Column multiplication: 4-digit by 1-digit (A)

▶️ Column multiplication: 4-digit by 1-digit (B)

▶️ Addition Word Problems (Single-Digit) (A)

▶️ Addition Word Problems (Single-Digit) (B)

▶️ Addition Word Problems (Double-Digit) (A)

▶️ Addition Word Problems (Double-Digit) (B)

▶️ Subtraction word problems (single-digit)

▶️ Subtraction word problems (2-digit) A

▶️ Subtraction word problems (2-digit) B

▶️ Subtraction word problems (2-digit)

▶️ Mixed addition and subtraction word problems

▶️ Length word problems (in inches) (A)

▶️ Length word problems (in inches) (B)

▶️ Length word problems (in centimeters) (A)

▶️ Length word problems (in centimeters) (B)

▶️ Multiplication Word Problems (single-digit)

▶️ Multiplication Word Problems (double-digit) (A)

▶️ Multiplication Word Problems (double-digit) (B)

▶️ Adding/Subtracting decimals word problems (A)

▶️ Adding/Subtracting decimals word problems (B)

▶️ Division (basic) word problems (A)

▶️ Division (basic) word problems (B)

▶️ Division (basic) word problems (C)

▶️ Division (basic) word problems (D)

▶️ Division (intermediate) word problems (A)

▶️ Division (intermediate) word problems (B)

▶️ Division (intermediate) word problems (C)

▶️ Division (intermediate) word problems (D)

▶️ Mixed multiplication and division word problems (A)

▶️ Mixed multiplication and division word problems (B)

▶️ Mixed multiplication and division word problems (C)

▶️ Shopping word problems (money counting) (A)

▶️ Shopping word problems (money counting) (B)

▶️ Shopping word problems (money counting) (C)

▶️ Measurement word problems (in, ft, and yds) (A)

▶️ Measurement word problems (in, ft, and yds) (B)

▶️ Measurement word problems (cm, mm, and m) (A)

▶️ Measurement word problems (cm, mm, and m) (B)

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