Addition Worksheets

Click any of the links below to download the corresponding worksheet and answer key.

▶️ Blank Number Lines (positives and negatives)

▶️ Addition practice: add to the next ten

▶️ Addition practice: adding whole tens

▶️ Addition: fill in the missing number (up to 10)

▶️ Addition: fill in the missing number (up to 20)

▶️ Addition: fill in the missing number (up to 100)

▶️ Adding double-digit numbers (A)

▶️ Adding double-digit numbers (B)

▶️ Adding Doubles

▶️ Adding triple-digit numbers

▶️ Adding one and two-digit numbers (A)

▶️ Adding one and two-digit numbers (B)

▶️ Adding whole tens (3 addends) (A)

▶️ Adding whole tens (3 addends) (B)

▶️ Adding whole hundreds (2 addends) (A)

▶️ Adding whole hundreds (2 addends) (B)

▶️ Adding whole hundreds (3 addends) (A)

▶️ Adding whole hundreds (3 addends) (B)

▶️ Adding whole thousands and hundreds (A)

▶️ Adding whole thousands and hundreds (B)

▶️ Adding two four-digit numbers (vertical)

▶️ Adding three four-digit numbers (vertical)

▶️ Mixed addition and subtraction (single-digit)

▶️ Mixed addition and subtraction (2-digit) A

▶️ Mixed addition and subtraction (2-digit) B

▶️ Mixed addition and subtraction (3-digit)

▶️ Complete whole thousands (A)

▶️ Complete whole thousands (B)

▶️ Adding 4-digit numbers (vertical)

▶️ Adding 5-digit numbers (vertical)

▶️ Adding 5 and 6-digit numbers (vertical)

▶️ Adding 3 numbers in columns (A)

▶️ Adding 3 numbers in columns (B)

▶️ Adding 4 numbers in columns (A)

▶️ Adding 4 numbers in columns (B)

▶️ Adding 5 numbers in columns (A)

▶️ Adding 5 numbers in columns (B)

▶️ Addition word problems (single-digit)

▶️ Addition word problems (2-digit) A

▶️ Addition word problems (2-digit) B

▶️ Addition word problems (3-digit)

▶️ Mixed addition and subtraction word problems

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