Algebra Worksheets
All of the Algebra 1 Worksheets below are samples from the Algebra Worksheets Library on our Infinite K-8 Math Worksheet Portal.
Click any of the links below to download the corresponding Algebra Math Worksheets and answer key.
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Welcome to the official Mashup Math Algebra Worksheets library. Below you will find a complete collection of printable Algebra 1 Worksheets organized by topic. Every worksheet can be downloaded as a PDF file that easy to print and/or share on online learning platforms such as Google Classroom,
Our topic-based Algebra Worksheets were carefully designed with the needs of Algebra students in mind. Our Algebra 1 Worksheets library covers a complete set of Algebra (and Pre-Algebra) topics that would commonly be featured in a curriculum for an Algebra course or online program. This library includes worksheets that will allow you to practice common Algebra topics such as working with exponents, solving equations, inequalities, solving and graphing functions, systems of equations, factoring, quadratic equations, algebra word problems, and more.
All of our algebra worksheets were created by math educators with the aim of helping students to practice and learn important algebra skills while being appropriately challenged at the same time. This way, algebra students can strengthen their skills and/or identify weaknesses in an appropriate and effective way. If you are an algebra teacher, tutor, or specialist, you will find our Algebra 1 worksheets to be an effective resource that will come in handy time and time again.
Consider a math teacher who was helping her students how to find the slope of a line from a given graph. After teaching a lesson on this topic and demonstrating the procedure, she could then assign her students one of our algebra worksheets on finding slope from a graph. While students practice this new skill, the teacher can move about the classroom and offer small group instruction/support. Rather than spending an entire class period lecturing, the teacher was able to give her students an effective and meaningful opportunity to apply, practice, and assess a new math skill and procedure.
Algebra teachers who use our topic-specific worksheets often learn quickly that Mashup Math learning resources are not only effective, but engaging to students. Unlike many free algebra 1 worksheets available online, our worksheets are designed with an emphasis on providing students with meaningful and effective learning opportunities, which is why we only include an age-appropriate amount of practice problems on each worksheet. This quality over quantity approach prevents students from growing bored and disinterested with learning math in a monotonous and overly repetitive way.
If you are new to Mashup Math, we strongly suggest that you scroll through the Free Algebra Worksheets Library below and download a few worksheets related to whatever topic you are currently working on with your students (complete answer keys are included). Once you share these activities with your students, you will have a better idea of why our resources can be so effective and engaging.
And if you would like to gain access to our full library of Algebra 1 Math Worksheets, then go ahead and click on the link below to sign-up for annual access to the Mashup Math Infinite Math Worksheet Portal, where users gain on-demand access to ALL of our topic-specific math worksheets for all algebra and geometry topics.
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▶️ Commutative property of Multiplication (A)
🔒 Commutative property of Multiplication (B)
▶️ Associative property of Multiplication (A)
🔒 Associative property of Multiplication (B)
▶️ Practice with the Distributive Property (Algebra) (A)
🔒 Practice with the Distributive Property (Algebra) (B)
🔒 Practice with the Distributive Property (Algebra) (C)
▶️ Practice with Absolute Values (A)
🔒 Practice with Absolute Values (B)
🔒 Practice with Absolute Values (C)
▶️ Practice: Order of Operations with Exponents (A)
🔒 Practice: Order of Operations with Exponents (B)
🔒 Practice: Order of Operations with Exponents (C)
▶️ Practice: Order of Operations with Nested Parenthesis (A)
🔒 Practice: Order of Operations with Nested Parenthesis (B)
🔒 Practice: Order of Operations with Nested Parenthesis (C)
▶️ Extra practice (order of operations up to 6 terms) (A)
🔒 Extra practice (order of operations up to 6 terms) (B)
▶️ Extra practice (order of operations up to 6 terms) (C)
▶️ Extended Practice: Order of Operations
▶️ Finding percent increase/decrease (A)
🔒 Finding percent increase/decrease (B)
▶️ Solving simple proportions (A)
🔒 Solving simple proportions (B)
🔒 Solving simple proportions (C)
🔒 Simplifying ratios (B)
🔒 Similar Triangles (B)
▶️ Factoring numbers (up to 100) (A)
🔒 Factoring numbers (up to 100) (B)
🔒 Factoring numbers (up to 100) (C)
▶️ Finding Greatest Common Factor (GCF) (A)
🔒 Finding Greatest Common Factor (GCF) (B)
▶️ Finding Least Common Multiple (LCM) (A)
🔒 Finding Least Common Multiple (LCM) (B)
▶️ Extended Practice: Finding GCF and LCM
▶️ Plotting Points (All Quadrants) (A)
🔒 Plotting Points (All Quadrants) (B)
▶️ Reading Points (All Quadrants) (A)
🔒 Reading Points (All Quadrants) (B)
▶️ Translations on the coordinate plane (A)
🔒 Translations on the coordinate plane (B)
▶️ Rotations on the coordinate plane (A)
🔒 Rotations on the coordinate plane (B)
▶️ Reflections on the coordinate plane (A)
🔒 Reflections on the coordinate plane (B)
▶️ Dilations on the coordinate plane (A)
🔒 Dilations on the coordinate plane (B)
🔒 Evaluating exponents (B)
🔒 Powers of 10 (B)
▶️ Negative or zero exponents (A)
🔒 Negative or zero exponents (B)
▶️ Multiplying Exponents with the Same Base (A)
🔒 Multiplying Exponents with the Same Base (B)
▶️ Dividing Exponents with the Same Base (A)
🔒 Dividing Exponents with the Same Base (B)
🔒 Power to a Power (B)
▶️ Practice with Scientific Notation (A)
🔒 Practice with Scientific Notation (B)
🔒 Practice with Scientific Notation (C)
▶️ Extended Practice: Scientific Notation (A)
🔒 Extended Practice: Scientific Notation (B)
🔒 Extended Practice: Scientific Notation (C)
▶️ Practice with square roots (A)
🔒 Practice with square roots (B)
🔒 Practice with square roots (C)
▶️ Estimating Square Roots of Non-Perfect Squares (A)
🔒 Estimating Square Roots of Non-Perfect Squares (B)
🔒 Simplifying Radicals (B)
▶️ Adding and Subtracting Radicals (A)
🔒 Adding and Subtracting Radicals (B)
▶️ Multiplying and Dividing Radicals (A)
🔒 Multiplying and Dividing Radicals (B)
▶️ Practice with the Pythagorean Theorem (A)
▶️ Practice with the Pythagorean Theorem (B)
🔒 Practice with the Pythagorean Theorem (C)
🔒 Practice with the Pythagorean Theorem (D)
🔒 Practice with the Pythagorean Theorem (E)
🔒 Midpoint formula (B)
🔒 Distance formula (B)
▶️ Solving Radical Equations (A)
🔒 Solving Radical Equations (B)
🔒 Naming polynomials (B)
🔒 Factoring monomials (B)
▶️ Adding and subtracting polynomials (A)
🔒 Adding and subtracting polynomials (B)
🔒 Multiplying binomials (B)
▶️ Multiplying Polynomials - Basic (A)
🔒 Multiplying Polynomials - Basic (B)
▶️ Multiplying Polynomials - Intermediate (A)
🔒 Multiplying Polynomials - Intermediate (B)
▶️ Multiplying Polynomials - Advanced (A)
🔒 Multiplying Polynomials - Advanced (B)
🔒 Dividing Polynomials (B)
▶️ Extended Practice: Dividing Polynomials
▶️ Factoring the difference of two squares (A)
🔒 Factoring the difference of two squares (B)
▶️ Factoring Trinomials (a=1) (A)
🔒 Factoring Trinomials (a=1) (B)
▶️ Extended Practice: Factoring Trinomials (a=1)
▶️ Factoring Trinomials (a>1) (A)
🔒 Factoring Trinomials (a>1) (B)
▶️ Extended Practice: Factoring Trinomials (a>1)
▶️ Factoring/Solving Trinomials by Completing the Square (A)
🔒 Factoring/Solving Trinomials by Completing the Square (B)
▶️ Factoring Polynomials by Grouping (A)
🔒 Factoring Polynomials by Grouping (B)
▶️ Translating variable expressions into words (A)
🔒 Translating variable expressions into words (B)
▶️ Translating variable equations into words (A)
🔒 Translating variable equations into words (B)
▶️ Writing algebraic expressions (one step) (A)
🔒 Writing algebraic expressions (one step) (B)
🔒 Writing algebraic expressions (one step) (C)
▶️ Writing algebraic expressions (one or two step) (A)
🔒 Writing algebraic expressions (one or two step) (B)
🔒 Writing algebraic expressions (one or two step) (C)
▶️ Evaluating expressions (add/subtract) (one variable) (A)
🔒 Evaluating expressions (add/subtract) (one variable) (B)
▶️ Evaluating expressions (multiply/divide) (one variable) (A)
🔒 Evaluating expressions (multiply/divide) (one variable) (B)
▶️ Evaluating expressions (4 operations) (one variable) (A)
🔒 Evaluating expressions (4 operations) (one variable) (B)
▶️ Evaluating expressions (w/ exponents) (one variable) (A)
🔒 Evaluating expressions (w/ exponents) (one variable) (B)
▶️ Evaluating expressions (add/subtract) (two variables) (A)
🔒 Evaluating expressions (add/subtract) (two variables) (B)
▶️ Evaluating expressions (multiply/divide) (two variables) (A)
🔒 Evaluating expressions (multiply/divide) (two variables) (B)
▶️ Evaluating expressions (4 operations) (two variables) (A)
🔒 Evaluating expressions (4 operations) (two variables) (B)
▶️ Evaluating expressions (w/ exponents) (two variables) (A)
🔒 Evaluating expressions (w/ exponents) (two variables) (B)
▶️ Simplifying expressions (combine like terms) (A)
🔒 Simplifying expressions (combine like terms) (B)
🔒 Simplifying expressions (combine like terms) (C)
▶️ Extra Practice: Combining Like Terms (A)
🔒 Extra Practice: Combining Like Terms (B)
▶️ Solving one-step algebraic equations (add/subtract) (A)
🔒 Solving one-step algebraic equations (add/subtract) (B)
▶️ Solving one-step algebraic equations (multiply/divide) (A)
🔒 Solving one-step algebraic equations (multiply/divide) (B)
▶️ Solving one-step algebraic equations (4 operations) (A)
🔒 Solving one-step algebraic equations (4 operations) (B)
🔒 Solving one-step algebraic equations (4 operations) (C)
▶️ Extended Practice: Solving One-Step Equations (A)
🔒 Extended Practice: Solving One-Step Equations (B)
▶️ Solving Two-Step Algebraic Equations (A)
🔒 Solving Two-Step Algebraic Equations (B)
🔒 Solving Two-Step Algebraic Equations (C)
▶️ Solving Two-Step Equations Extended Practice (A)
🔒 Solving Two-Step Equations Extended Practice (B)
▶️ Solving 2-sided algebraic equations (A)
🔒 Solving 2-sided algebraic equations (B)
🔒 Solving 2-sided algebraic equations (C)
▶️ Solving Multi-Step Equations Extended Practice (Beginner)
🔒 Solving Multi-Step Equations Extended Practice (Intermediate)
🔒 Solving Multi-Step Equations Extended Practice (Advanced)
▶️ Completing two variable equation tables (A)
🔒 Completing two variable equation tables (B)
🔒 Completing two variable equation tables (C)
▶️ Writing equations using tables (A)
🔒 Writing equations using tables (B)
🔒 Writing equations using tables (C)
▶️ Solving multi-step equations (A)
▶️ Solving multi-step equations (B)
🔒 Solving multi-step equations (C)
▶️ Solving absolute value equations (A)
🔒 Solving absolute value equations (B)
▶️ Parallel Lines Cut by a Transversal: Classifying (A)
🔒 Parallel Lines Cut by a Transversal: Classifying (B)
▶️ Parallel Lines Cut by a Transversal: True or False? (A)
🔒 Parallel Lines Cut by a Transversal: True or False? (B)
▶️ Parallel Lines Cut by a Transversal: 1 Missing Angle (A)
🔒 Parallel Lines Cut by a Transversal: 1 Missing Angle (B)
▶️ Parallel Lines Cut by a Transversal: 2 Missing Angles (A)
🔒 Parallel Lines Cut by a Transversal: 2 Missing Angles (B)
▶️ Parallel Lines Cut by a Transversal: Algebraic (A)
🔒 Parallel Lines Cut by a Transversal: Algebraic (B)
▶️ Graphing single-variable inequalities on a number line (A)
🔒 Graphing single-variable inequalities on a number line (B)
▶️ Solving one-step inequalities (A)
🔒 Solving one-step inequalities (B)
▶️ Solving two-step inequalities (A)
🔒 Solving two-step inequalities (B)
▶️ Solving multi-step inequalities (A)
🔒 Solving multi-step inequalities (B)
▶️ Graphing linear inequalities on the coordinate plane (A)
🔒 Graphing linear inequalities on the coordinate plane (B)
🔒 Graphing linear inequalities on the coordinate plane (C)
▶️ Finding slope from a graph (A)
🔒 Finding slope from a graph (B)
▶️ Finding slope using a formula (A)
🔒 Finding slope using a formula (B)
▶️ Finding slope from an equation (A)
🔒 Finding slope from an equation (B)
▶️ Practice with Slope-Intercept Form (A)
🔒 Practice with Slope-Intercept Form (B)
🔒 Practice with Slope-Intercept Form (C)
▶️ Graphing lines in slope-intercept form (A)
▶️ Graphing lines in slope-intercept form (B)
🔒 Graphing lines in slope-intercept form (C)
▶️ Practice Writing Linear Equations (A)
🔒 Practice Writing Linear Equations (B)
▶️ Classifying parallel and perpendicular lines (A)
🔒 Classifying parallel and perpendicular lines (B)
▶️ Practice with Linear Inequalities on the Coordinate Plane (A)
▶️ Practice with Linear Inequalities on the Coordinate Plane (B)
🔒 Practice with Linear Inequalities on the Coordinate Plane (C)
🔒 Practice with Linear Inequalities on the Coordinate Plane (D)
🔒 Practice with Linear Inequalities on the Coordinate Plane (E)
▶️ Graphing absolute value functions (A)
🔒 Graphing absolute value functions (B)
🔒 Graphing absolute value functions (C)
▶️ Solving linear systems of equations by graphing (A)
▶️ Solving linear systems of equations by graphing (B)
🔒 Solving linear systems of equations by graphing (C)
🔒 Solving linear systems of equations by graphing (D)
🔒 Solving linear systems of equations by graphing (E)
▶️ Solving systems of linear inequalities by graphing (A)
▶️ Solving systems of linear inequalities by graphing (B)
🔒 Solving systems of linear inequalities by graphing (C)
🔒 Solving systems of linear inequalities by graphing (D)
🔒 Solving systems of linear inequalities by graphing (E)
▶️ Solving Quadratic Functions by Factoring (A)
🔒 Solving Quadratic Functions by Factoring (B)
🔒 Solving Quadratic Functions by Factoring (C)
▶️ Solving Quadratic Functions by Completing the Square (A)
🔒 Solving Quadratic Functions by Completing the Square (B)
🔒 Solving Quadratic Functions by Completing the Square (C)
▶️ Graphing Quadratic Functions (A)
🔒 Graphing Quadratic Functions (B)
🔒 Graphing Quadratic Functions (C)
▶️ Quadratic Formula Practice (A)
🔒 Quadratic Formula Practice (B)
🔒 Quadratic Formula Practice (C)
▶️ Practice with Mean, Median, and Mode (A)
🔒 Practice with Mean, Median, and Mode (B)
🔒 Drawing line graphs (B)
🔒 Analyzing line graphs (C)
🔒 Analyzing line graphs (D)
▶️ Drawing Double Line Graphs (A)
🔒 Drawing Double Line Graphs (B)
▶️ Analyzing Double Line Graphs (A)
▶️ Analyzing Double Line Graphs (B)
🔒 Analyzing Double Line Graphs (C)
▶️ Making Box-and-Whisker Plots (A)
🔒 Making Box-and-Whisker Plots (B)
🔒 Making Box-and-Whisker Plots (C)
▶️ Analyzing Box-and-Whisker Plots (A)
🔒 Analyzing Box-and-Whisker Plots (B)
🔒 Analyzing Box-and-Whisker Plots (C)
▶️ Practice with Scatter Plots (A)
🔒 Practice with Scatter Plots (B)
▶️ Modeling situations using linear equations word problems (A)
🔒 Modeling situations using linear equations word problems (B)
▶️ Variables and expressions word problems (A)
🔒 Variables and expressions word problems (B)
🔒 Variables and expressions word problems (C)
▶️ Variables and equations word problems (A)
🔒 Variables and equations word problems (B)
🔒 Variables and equations word problems (C)
▶️ Solving One-Step and Two-Step Equations Word Problems (A)
🔒 Solving One-Step and Two-Step Equations Word Problems (B)
▶️ Scientific Notation Word Problems (A)
🔒 Scientific Notation Word Problems (B)
▶️ GCF and LCM Word Problems (A)
🔒 GCF and LCM Word Problems (B)
🔒 Ratio word problems (B)
▶️ Proportion word problems (A)
🔒 Proportion word problems (B)
▶️ Pythagorean Theorem word problems (A)
🔒 Pythagorean Theorem word problems (B)
🔒 Pythagorean Theorem word problems (C)
▶️ Distance, rate, and time word problems (A)
🔒 Distance, rate, and time word problems (B)
▶️ Multi-step Word Problem: Snappy Rental Car
▶️ Multi-step Word Problem: Neil’s Square Paper
🔒 Multi-step Word Problem: Lilly Goes Shopping
🔒 Multi-step Word Problem: Pumpkins and Watermelons
🔒 Multi-step Word Problem: Alejandro’s Rock Collection
▶️ Percent Increase/Decrease Word Problems (A)
🔒 Percent Increase/Decrease Word Problems (B)
🛑 WAIT! Are You Looking to Unlock ALL of Our Algebra Worksheets?
When you sign up for the Mashup Math Infinite K-8 Worksheet Portal, you will gain on-demand access to our complete Algebra 1 Worksheets Library!
▶️ Click here to gain on-demand access to all of our Algebra Worksheets
Why Will Your Students will Love Our Algebra Worksheets?
It won’t take long for you to why Mashup Math Algebra Worksheets are the perfect supplement to your lesson plans and instruction.
Our worksheets can boost student engagement and participation because they are designed with the belief that effective math resources should never serve as busy work or focus on making students perform the same procedures mindlessly over and over again. Instead, our Algebra 1 worksheets were designed to help you give your students meaningful opportunities to practice and apply their way skills in a way that they will find interesting and appropriately challenging.
We are highly confident that our worksheets will be an asset to you and your lesson plans and that using them will help you to present math in a way that students will not see as repetitive or dull. Mashup Math worksheets make a great supplement to any lesson plan or homework assignment and having access to our complete Algebra Worksheets library will come in handy countless times throughout the school year.
Our Algebra 1 Worksheets can be used in a variety of ways including homework assignments, warm-up and cool-down activities, and topic reviews. (Image: Mashup Math MJ)
If you need suggestions our how the best use our Algebra 1 worksheets with your students, here are a few awesome ideas for ways that you can use our worksheets:
Students practice or study a topic independently
Students complete assignments for extra credit
Students complete worksheet problems during the first 5 minutes of class (warm-up)
Students complete worksheet problems during the last 5 minutes of class (exit ticket)
Students complete worksheets as homework assignments
Students complete worksheets to review previously learned topics
Formative assessments
Summative assessments
These ideas are all effective ways to use our algebra worksheets to supplement your algebra lessons and support your students. By giving your algebra students ample opportunities to engage with, explore, and practice math in an engaging way, you are supporting their development as mathematicians and problem solvers.
Great algebra teachers use effective and engaging topic-specific activities and resources to keep their lessons fresh and interesting for students, and our library of algebra 1 worksheets is the perfect addition to any teacher’s portfolio. When it comes to best meeting the needs of your students, it is crucial to present algebra in a way that is inspirational, interesting, and engaging in order create an environment where they are appropriately challenged and able to strengthen their math skills to levels that will allows them to be successful in college and beyond.
Do you want more Algebra Worksheets? Click here to gain access to our complete library of worksheets and answer keys, where you can gain on-demand access to ALL of our Algebra Worksheets.