Free 4th Grade Math Worksheets

All of the fourth grade math worksheets below are samples from the 4th Grade Math Worksheets Library on our Infinite K-8 Math Worksheet Portal.

Click any of the links below to download the corresponding 4th grade math worksheets and answer key.

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Are you ready to start using Mashup Math 4th Grade Math Worksheets with your students? Our fourth grade worksheets library offers over one hundred free pdf 4th grade math worksheets for a variety of math topics including operations, rounding, place value, graphing, factoring, geometry, and word problems. All of the worksheets below were designed by elementary math teachers with fourth grade students in mind. They were created to help teachers and parents give their students effective opportunities to practice and learn math both in the classroom and at home for all fourth grade math skills and topics. All of the pdf worksheets available below are colorful, engaging, and appropriately challenging for fourth grade students.

Our 4th grade math worksheets are an excellent resource for teachers or parents who want their students to explore, practice, and learn fundamental fourth grade math skills in a fun and engaging way (without being monotonous, boring, or overly repetitive). If we expect our students to pursue mathematics and math-related careers by the time they reach high school, then it is crucial that they build a strong foundation of math skills at the elementary level.

Why are Mashup Math worksheets so effective for helping students to practice and learn math? The reason is that our worksheets are focused on giving students opportunities to engage in deep mathematical thinking and problem-solving rather than simply performing the same task or procedure over and over again. Mashup Math 4th grade math worksheets value quality of quantity when it comes to questions and they are designed to best meet the learning needs and attention spans of 4th grade students.

We encourage you to try out a few of the sample fourth grade math worksheets below with your students and, if you find them to be useful, then you can sign-up for one year of on-demand access to our K-8 math worksheet portal, where you download ALL of our grade-specific worksheet libraries for students in grades K-8.

Mashup Math worksheets are available as PDF files that are easy to print or share on Google Classroom.

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▶️ Build a 3-digit number (A)

🔒 Build a 3-digit number (B)

▶️ Fill in the missing place value (3-digit numbers) (A)

🔒 Fill in the missing place value (3-digit numbers) (B)

▶️ Build a 4-Digit Number (A)

🔒 Build a 4-Digit Number (B)

▶️ Fill in the Missing Place Value (4-Digit Numbers) (A)

🔒 Fill in the Missing Place Value (4-Digit Numbers) (B)

▶️ Build a 5-Digit Number (A)

🔒 Build a 5-Digit Number (B)

▶️ Fill in the missing place value (5-digit numbers) (A)

🔒 Fill in the missing place value (5-digit numbers) (B)

▶️ Build a 6-digit number (A)

🔒 Build a 6-digit number (B)

▶️ Fill in the missing place value (6-digit numbers) (A)

🔒 Fill in the missing place value (6-digit numbers) (B)

▶️ Write 5-digit numbers in expanded form (A)

🔒 Write 5-digit numbers in expanded form (B)

🔒 Write 5-digit numbers in expanded form (C)

▶️ Comparing numbers using > or < (up to 1 million) (A)

🔒 Comparing numbers using > or < (up to 1 million) (B)

▶️ Ordering numbers (up to 1 million) (A)

🔒 Ordering numbers (up to 1 million) (B)

▶️ Identifying a digit’s place value (to thousands) (A)

🔒 Identifying a digit’s place value (to thousands) (B)

🔒 Identifying a digit’s place value (to thousands) (C)

🔒 Identifying a digit’s place value (to thousands) (D)

🔒 Identifying a digit’s place value (to thousands) (E)

▶️ Blank place value reference chart (ones to thousands)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest 10 (A)

🔒 Rounding to the nearest 10 (B)

🔒 Rounding to the nearest 10 (C)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest 10 (up to 1000) (A)

🔒 Rounding to the nearest 10 (up to 1000) (B)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest hundred (A)

🔒 Rounding to the nearest hundred (B)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest ten or hundred (A)

🔒 Rounding to the nearest ten or hundred (B)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest hundred (0-1,000) (A)

🔒 Rounding to the nearest hundred (0-1,000) (B)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest hundred (0-10,000) (A)

🔒 Rounding to the nearest hundred (0-10,000) (B)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest thousand (0-10,000) (A)

🔒 Rounding to the nearest thousand (0-10,000) (B)

▶️ Mixed Rounding (tens, hundreds, thousands) (A)

🔒 Mixed Rounding (tens, hundreds, thousands) (B)

🔒 Mixed Rounding (tens, hundreds, thousands) (C)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest ten thousand (up to 1 million) (A)

🔒 Rounding to the nearest ten thousand (up to 1 million) (B)

🔒 Rounding to the nearest ten thousand (up to 1 million) (C)

🔒 Estimation and rounding word problems

▶️ Identifying Fractions Using Diagrams

▶️ Matching Diagrams with Fractions (A)

🔒 Matching Diagrams with Fractions (B)

▶️ Identifying Fraction Circles (A)

🔒 Identifying Fractions Circles (B)

▶️ Fraction Kit Reference Chart (Video Tutorial)

▶️ Comparing Fractions (A)

▶️ Comparing Fractions (B)

🔒 Comparing Fractions (C)

🔒 Comparing Fractions (D)

🔒 Comparing Fractions (E)

▶️ Compare fractions >, <, or = (common denominators)(A)

🔒 Compare fractions >, <, or = (common denominators)(B)

▶️ Compare fractions >, <, or = (uncommon denominators)(A)

🔒 Compare fractions >, <, or = (uncommon denominators)(B)

▶️ Compare fractions >, <, or = (improper fractions)(A)

🔒 Compare fractions >, <, or = (improper fractions)(B)

▶️ Compare fractions >, <, or = (mixed numbers)(A)

🔒 Compare fractions >, <, or = (mixed numbers)(B)

▶️ Simplifying Fractions (A)

🔒 Simplifying Fractions (B)

🔒 Simplifying Fractions (C)

🔒 Simplifying Fractions Extended Practice

▶️ Equivalent Fractions - Coloring Circles

🔒 Equivalent Fractions - True or False?

🔒 Equivalent Fractions - Fill in the Missing Values

▶️ Equivalent Fractions Practice (A)

🔒 Equivalent Fractions Practice (B)

🔒 Equivalent Fractions Practice (C)

▶️ Understanding Ratios (A)

🔒 Understanding Ratios (B)

▶️ Adding Fractions (common denominators) (A)

🔒 Adding Fractions (common denominators) (B)

▶️ Subtracting Fractions (common denominators) (A)

🔒 Subtracting Fractions (common denominators) (B)

▶️ Adding Fractions (unlike denominators) (A)

🔒 Adding Fractions (unlike denominators) (B)

▶️ Subtracting Fractions (unlike denominators) (A)

🔒 Subtracting Fractions (unlike denominators) (B)

▶️ Mixed Adding/Subtracting Fractions (Unlike Denominators)

▶️ Adding Mixed Numbers (A)

🔒 Adding Mixed Numbers (B)

🔒 Adding Mixed Numbers (C)

▶️ Adding Fractions and Mixed Numbers (A)

🔒 Adding Fractions and Mixed Numbers (B)

▶️ Subtracting Mixed Numbers (A)

🔒 Subtracting Mixed Numbers (B)

🔒 Subtracting Mixed Numbers (C)

▶️ Subtracting Mixed Fractions from Whole Numbers (A)

🔒 Subtracting Mixed Fractions from Whole Numbers (B)

▶️ Completing whole numbers w/ fractions (A)

▶️ Completing whole numbers w/ fractions (B)

🔒 Completing whole numbers w/ fractions (C)

🔒 Completing whole numbers w/ fractions (D)

▶️ Converting mixed numbers to fractions (A)

🔒 Converting mixed numbers to fractions (B)

▶️ Converting fractions to mixed numbers (A)

🔒 Converting fractions to mixed numbers (B)


▶️ Decimal Basics – Place Value, Comparing, Adding (A)

🔒 Decimal Basics – Place Value, Comparing, Adding (B)

▶️ Converting fractions to decimals (A)

🔒 Converting fractions to decimals (B)

🔒 Converting fractions to decimals (C)

▶️ Converting mixed numbers to decimals (A)

🔒 Converting mixed numbers to decimals (B)

▶️ Comparing decimals >, <, or = (A)

🔒 Comparing decimals >, <, or = (B)

▶️ Adding decimals practice (A)

🔒 Adding decimals practice (B)

🔒 Adding decimals practice (C)

▶️ Decimal addition (missing number) (A)

🔒 Decimal addition (missing number) (B)

▶️ Subtracting decimals practice (A)

🔒 Subtracting decimals practice (B)

🔒 Subtracting decimals practice (C)

▶️ Decimal subtraction (missing number) (A)

🔒 Decimal subtraction (missing number) (B)

🔒 Adding and subtracting decimals (mixed practice)

▶️ Measuring Lengths Using a Ruler (Inches) (A)

▶️ Measuring Lengths Using a Ruler (Inches) (B)

🔒 Measuring Lengths Using a Ruler (Inches) (C)

🔒 Measuring Lengths Using a Ruler (Inches) (D)

🔒 Measuring Lengths Using a Ruler (Inches) (E)

🔒 Measuring Lengths Using a Ruler (Inches) (F)

▶️ Measure the object in centimeters (A)

🔒 Measure the object in centimeters (B)

🔒 Measure the object in centimeters (C)

▶️ Measuring lengths to the nearest quarter-inch (A)

🔒 Measuring lengths to the nearest quarter-inch (B)

▶️ Measuring lengths to the nearest millimeter (A)

🔒 Measuring lengths to the nearest millimeter (B)

▶️ Comparing weights using > or < (A)

🔒 Comparing weights using > or < (B)

▶️ Comparing capacities using > or < (A)

🔒 Comparing capacities using > or < (B)

▶️ Convert Inches, Feet, and Yards (A)

🔒 Convert Inches, Feet, and Yards (B)

🔒 Convert Inches, Feet, and Yards (C)

▶️ Convert Grams and Kilograms (A)

🔒 Convert Grams and Kilograms (B)

🔒 Convert Grams and Kilograms (C)

▶️ Convert centimeters, millimeters, and meters (A)

🔒 Convert centimeters, millimeters, and meters (B)

▶️ Convert between ounces and pounds (A)

🔒 Convert between ounces and pounds (B)

▶️ Convert between cups, pints, quarts, and gallons (A)

🔒 Convert between cups, pints, quarts, and gallons (B)

▶️ Convert between liters and milliliters (A)

🔒 Convert between liters and milliliters (B)

▶️ Convert Inches and Centimeters (A)

🔒 Convert Inches and Centimeters (B)

▶️ Convert Pounds and Kilograms (A)

🔒 Convert Pounds and Kilograms (B)

▶️ Convert Liters and Gallons (A)

🔒 Convert Liters and Gallons (B)

▶️ Practice reading a thermometer (Celsius)

🔒 Practice reading a thermometer (Fahrenheit)

▶️ Converting between Fahrenheit and Celsius (A)

🔒 Converting between Fahrenheit and Celsius (B)

▶️ Reading Bar Graphs (A)

▶️ Reading Bar Graphs (B)

🔒 Reading Bar Graphs (C)

🔒 Reading Bar Graphs (D)

🔒 Reading Bar Graphs (E)

▶️ Making bar Graphs (A)

🔒 Making Bar Graphs (B)

🔒 Making Bar Graphs (C)

▶️ Analyzing Bar Graphs (A)

🔒 Analyzing Bar Graphs (B)

🔒 Analyzing Bar Graphs (C)

▶️ Pictographs (A)

▶️ Pictographs (B)

🔒 Pictographs (C)

🔒 Pictographs (D)

🔒 Pictographs (E)

🔒 Pictographs (F)

▶️ Practice with pie charts (A)

🔒 Practice with pie charts (B)

🔒 Practice with pie charts (C)

🔒 Practice with pie charts (D)

▶️ Reading Line Plots (A)

🔒 Reading Line Plots (B)

🔒 Reading Line Plots (C)

▶️ Making Line Plots (A)

🔒 Making Line Plots (B)

▶️ Line Plots with Fractions (A)

🔒 Line Plots with Fractions (B)

▶️ Reading Venn Diagrams (A)

🔒 Reading Venn Diagrams (B)

🔒 Reading Venn Diagrams (C)

▶️ Blank Venn Diagram (2 circles)

▶️ Blank Venn Diagram (3 circles)

▶️ Making Stem-and-Leaf Plots (A)

🔒 Making Stem-and-Leaf Plots (B)

▶️ Reading Stem-and-Leaf Plots (A)

🔒 Reading Stem-and-Leaf Plots (B)

▶️ Drawing Line Graphs (A)

🔒 Drawing Line Graphs (B)

▶️ Analyzing Line Graphs (A)

🔒 Analyzing Line Graphs (B)

🔒 Analyzing Line Graphs (C)

🔒 Analyzing Line Graphs (D)

▶️ Finding Probability Using Diagrams (A)

🔒 Finding Probability Using Diagrams (B)

🔒 Finding Probability Using Diagrams (C)

▶️ Identifying Prime Numbers (A)

🔒 Identifying prime numbers (B)

▶️ Identifying Perfect Squares (A)

🔒 Identifying perfect squares (B)

▶️ Factoring numbers (up to 50) (A)

🔒 Factoring numbers (up to 50) (B)

🔒 Factoring numbers (up to 50) (C)

🔒 Factoring numbers (up to 50) (D)

▶️ Factoring numbers (up to 100) (A)

🔒 Factoring numbers (up to 100) (B)

🔒 Factoring numbers (up to 100) (C)

▶️ Prime factor trees (A)

🔒 Prime factor trees (B)

🔒 Prime factor trees (C)

▶️ Identifying prime factors (up to 50) (A)

🔒 Identifying prime factors (up to 50) (B)

🔒 Identifying prime factors (up to 50) (C)

▶️ Identifying prime factors (up to 100) (A)

🔒 Identifying prime factors (up to 100) (B)

🔒 Identifying prime factors (up to 100) (C)

▶️ Practice with square roots (A)

🔒 Practice with square roots (B)

🔒 Practice with square roots (C)

▶️ Drawing lines of symmetry (A)

🔒 Drawing Lines of Symmetry (B)

▶️ Matching 2D Shapes to Their Names (A)

🔒 Matching 2D Shapes to Their Names (B)

▶️ Naming Three-Dimensional Shapes

▶️ Drawing lines of symmetry (A)

🔒 Drawing lines of symmetry (B)

▶️ Find the perimeter (A)

🔒 Find the perimeter (B)

🔒 Find the perimeter (C)

▶️ Find the area of each rectangle (A)

🔒 Find the area of each rectangle (B)

🔒 Find the area of each rectangle (C)

▶️ Draw the figure given the area (using a grid) (B)

🔒 Draw the figure given the area (using a grid) (B)

🔒 Draw the figure given the area (using a grid) (C)

▶️ Exploring area and perimeter using cheez-its (pdf guide)

Activity Tutorial Video Link

▶️ Find area/perimeter of irregular rectangular shapes (A)

🔒 Find area/perimeter of irregular rectangular shapes (B)

🔒 Find area/perimeter of irregular rectangular shapes (C)

▶️ Classifying lines, line segments, and rays (A)

🔒 Classifying lines, line segments, and rays (B)

▶️ Classifying angles: right, acute, or obtuse (A)

🔒 Classifying angles: right, acute, or obtuse (B)

▶️ Classifying parallel and perpendicular lines (A)

🔒 Classifying parallel and perpendicular lines (B)

▶️ Classifying Triangles (A)

🔒 Classifying Triangles (B)

▶️ Classifying Quadrilaterals (A)

🔒 Classifying Quadrilaterals (B)

▶️ Angle Construction Using a Protractor (A)

🔒 Angle Construction Using a Protractor (B)

▶️ Measure Angles Using a Protractor (A)

🔒 Measure Angles Using a Protractor (B)

🔒 Protractor Skills Review

▶️ Find the circumference of a circle (A)

🔒 Find the circumference of a circle (B)

▶️ Find the area of a circle (A)

🔒 Find the area of a circle (B)

▶️ Find the volume of a rectangular prism (A)

🔒 Find the volume of a rectangular prism (B)

▶️ Plotting Points (First Quadrant) (A)

🔒 Plotting Points (First Quadrant) (B)

▶️ Plotting Points (All Quadrants) (A)

🔒 Plotting Points (All Quadrants) (B)

▶️ Reading Points (First Quadrant) (A)

🔒 ▶️ Reading Points (First Quadrant) (B)

▶️ Reading Points (All Quadrants) (A)

🔒 Reading Points (All Quadrants) (B)

▶️ Pokemon Coordinate Points Activity

▶️ Addition Practice: One and Two-Digit Numbers

▶️ Multi-Digit Addition with Regrouping

▶️ Vertical addition to 20 (A)

🔒 Vertical addition to 20 (B)

▶️ Vertical addition to 50 (A)

🔒 Vertical addition to 50 (B)

▶️ Vertical addition to 100 (A)

🔒 Vertical addition to 100 (B)

▶️ Adding Doubles

▶️ Practice adding 7

🔒 Practice adding 8

▶️ Practice adding 9

🔒 Practice adding 10

▶️ Addition practice: add to the next ten

▶️ Addition practice: adding whole tens

▶️ Addition: fill in the missing number (up to 10)

▶️ Addition: fill in the missing number (up to 20)

🔒 Addition: fill in the missing number (up to 100)

▶️ Adding single-digit numbers

▶️ Adding double-digit numbers (A)

🔒 Adding double-digit numbers (B)

▶️ Adding triple-digit numbers

▶️ Adding one and two-digit numbers (A)

🔒 Adding one and two-digit numbers (B)

▶️ Adding whole tens (3 addends) (A)

🔒 Adding whole tens (3 addends) (B)

▶️ Adding whole hundreds (2 addends) (A)

🔒 Adding whole hundreds (2 addends) (B)

▶️ Adding whole hundreds (3 addends) (A)

🔒 Adding whole hundreds (3 addends) (B)

▶️ Adding whole thousands and hundreds (A)

🔒 Adding whole thousands and hundreds (B)

▶️ Adding two four-digit numbers (vertical)

▶️ Adding three four-digit numbers (vertical)

▶️ Mixed addition and subtraction (single-digit)

▶️ Mixed addition and subtraction (2-digit) A

🔒 Mixed addition and subtraction (2-digit) B

🔒 Mixed addition and subtraction (3-digit)

▶️ Complete whole thousands (A)

🔒 Complete whole thousands (B)

▶️ Adding 4-digit numbers (vertical)

🔒 Adding 5-digit numbers (vertical)

▶️ Adding 5 and 6-digit numbers (vertical)

▶️ Practice: Mixed Addition and Subtraction (A)

🔒 Practice: Mixed Addition and Subtraction (B)

▶️ Vertical subtraction (to 10)

▶️ Vertical subtraction (to 20)

🔒 Vertical subtraction (to 50)

🔒 Vertical subtraction (to 100)

▶️ Subtraction: fill in the missing number (up to 10)

▶️ Subtraction: fill in the missing number (up to 20)

🔒 Subtraction: fill in the missing number (up to 100)

▶️ Subtracting single-digit numbers

▶️ Subtracting double-digit numbers (A)

🔒 Subtracting double-digit numbers (B)

▶️ Subtracting triple-digit numbers

▶️ Subtracting doubles

🔒 Practice subtracting 7

▶️ Practice subtracting 8

🔒 Practice subtracting 9

▶️ Practice subtracting 10

▶️ Subtracting 1-digit numbers from 2-digit numbers (A)

🔒 Subtracting 1-digit numbers from 2-digit numbers (B)

▶️ Subtracting whole tens from 2-digit numbers (A)

🔒 Subtracting whole tens from 2-digit numbers (B)

▶️ Subtracting whole tens from 3-digit numbers (A)

🔒 Subtracting whole tens from 3-digit numbers (B)

▶️ Subtracting whole hundreds from 3-digit numbers (A)

🔒 Subtracting whole hundreds from 3-digit numbers (B)

▶️ Subtracting 3-digit numbers (vertical) (A)

🔒 Subtracting 3-digit numbers (vertical) (B)

▶️ Subtracting 4-digit numbers (vertical) (A)

🔒 Subtracting 4-digit numbers (vertical) (B)

▶️ Subtract by borrowing over two zeros

▶️ Subtract by borrowing over three zeros

▶️ Subtraction practice: subtract to the next ten

🔒 Subtraction practice: subtracting whole tens

▶️ Practice subtracting large numbers (A)

🔒 Practice subtracting large numbers (B)

▶️ Mixed addition and subtraction (single-digit)

▶️ Mixed addition and subtraction (2-digit) A

🔒 Mixed addition and subtraction (2-digit) B

▶️ Mixed addition and subtraction (3-digit)

▶️ Multiplication Table (to 12) - Completed + Blank

🔒 Practice multiplying by 0

▶️ Practice multiplying by 1

🔒 Practice multiplying by 0 or 1

▶️ Practice multiplying by 2

🔒 Practice multiplying by 3

▶️ Practice multiplying by 4

🔒 Practice multiplying by 5

▶️ Practice Multiplying by 3, 4, or 5 (A)

🔒 Practice Multiplying by 3, 4, or 5 (B)

▶️ Practice multiplying by 5 (Extra Practice) (A)

🔒 Practice multiplying by 5 (Extra Practice) (B)

▶️ Practice multiplying by 6

🔒 Practice multiplying by 7

▶️ Practice multiplying by 8

▶️ Practice Multiplying by 6, 7, or 8 (A)

🔒 Practice Multiplying by 6, 7, or 8 (B)

▶️ Practice Multiplying by 9 (A)

🔒 Practice Multiplying by 9 (B)

▶️ Practice multiplying by 10 (A)

🔒 Practice multiplying by 10 (B)

▶️ Practice Multiplying by 5 or 10 (A)

🔒 Practice Multiplying by 5 or 10 (B)

▶️ Practice multiplying by 11

🔒 Practice multiplying by 12

▶️ Practice Multiplying by 10, 11, or 12 (A)

🔒 Practice Multiplying by 10, 11, or 12 (B)

▶️ Multiplication Practice: Missing Factors (A)

🔒 Multiplication Practice: Missing Factors (B)

▶️ Multiplying Using Arrays (A)

🔒 Multiplying Using Arrays (B)

🔒 Multiplying Using Arrays (C)

▶️ Multiplying Single-Digit Numbers

▶️ Multiplying Double-Digit Numbers (A)

🔒 Multiplying Double-Digit Numbers (B)

▶️ Mixed multiplication practice (0-12) (A)

▶️ Mixed multiplication practice (0-12) (B)

🔒 Mixed multiplication practice (0-12) (C)

🔒 Mixed multiplication practice (0-12) (D)

🔒 Mixed multiplication practice (0-12) (E)

🔒 Mixed multiplication practice (0-12) (F)

▶️ Multiplication practice - missing factors (0-5) (A)

🔒 Multiplication practice - missing factors (0-5) (B)

▶️ Multiplication practice - missing factors (6-10) (A)

🔒 Multiplication practice - missing factors (6-10) (B)

▶️ Multiplication practice - missing factors (8-12) (A)

🔒 Multiplication practice - missing factors (8-12) (B)

▶️ Multiplying whole tens by whole tens (A)

🔒 Multiplying whole tens by whole tens (B)

▶️ Multiplying whole tens by whole hundreds (A)

🔒 Multiplying whole tens by whole hundreds (B)

▶️ Multiplying whole tens by whole thousands (A)

🔒 Multiplying whole tens by whole thousands (B)

▶️ Multiplying whole hundreds by 1-digit numbers (A)

🔒 Multiplying whole hundreds by 1-digit numbers (B)

▶️ Column multiplication: 2-digit by 1-digit (A)

🔒 Column multiplication: 2-digit by 1-digit (B)

▶️ Column multiplication: 3-digit by 1-digit (A)

🔒 Column multiplication: 3-digit by 1-digit (B)

▶️ Column multiplication: 4-digit by 1-digit (A)

🔒 Column multiplication: 4-digit by 1-digit (B)

▶️ Commutative property of Multiplication (A)

🔒 Commutative property of Multiplication (B)

▶️ Associative property of Multiplication (A)

🔒 Associative property of Multiplication (B)

▶️ Distributive property of Multiplication (A)

🔒 Distributive property of Multiplication (B)

▶️ Model the Distributive Property Using Arrays (A)

🔒 Model the Distributive Property Using Arrays (B)

🔒 Model the Distributive Property Using Arrays (C)

▶️ Dividing by 2 or 3 (A)

🔒 Dividing by 2 or 3 (B)

▶️ Dividing by 4 or 5 (A)

🔒 Dividing by 4 or 5 (B)

▶️ Dividing by 6 or 7 (A)

🔒 Dividing by 6 or 7 (B)

▶️ Dividing by 8 or 9 (A)

🔒 Dividing by 8 or 9 (B)

▶️ Dividing single-digit numbers (mixed)

▶️ Division facts practice (0-10) (A)

🔒 Division facts practice (0-10) (B)

▶️ Division facts practice (0-12) (A)

🔒 Division facts practice (0-12) (B)

▶️ Dividing double-digit numbers (A)

🔒 Dividing double-digit numbers (B)

🔒 Dividing double-digit numbers (C)

▶️ Find the missing dividend/divisor (1-12) (A)

🔒 Find the missing dividend/divisor (1-12) (B)

🔒 Find the missing dividend/divisor (1-12) (C)

▶️ Dividing by whole tens (A)

🔒 Dividing by whole tens (B)

▶️ Dividing by whole hundreds (A)

🔒 Dividing by whole hundreds (B)

▶️ Dividing 3 or 4-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers (A)

🔒 Dividing 3 or 4-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers (B)

▶️ Mixed multiplication and division (A)

🔒 Mixed multiplication and division (B)

▶️ Long division practice (no remainder) (A)

🔒 Long division practice (no remainder) (B)

🔒 Long division practice (no remainder) (C)

🔒 Long division practice (no remainder) (D)

▶️ Long division practice (possible remainder) (A)

🔒 Long division practice (possible remainder) (B)

🔒 Long division practice (possible remainder) (C)

🔒 Long division practice (possible remainder) (D)

▶️ Adding/Subtracting 3 numbers (w/ parenthesis) (A)

🔒 Adding/Subtracting 3 numbers (w/ parenthesis) (B)

▶️ Adding/Subtracting 4 numbers (w/ parenthesis) (A)

🔒 Adding/Subtracting 4 numbers (w/ parenthesis) (B)

▶️ Adding/Subtracting 5 numbers (w/ parenthesis) (A)

🔒 Adding/Subtracting 5 numbers (w/ parenthesis) (B)

▶️ Adding/Subtracting 6 numbers (w/ parenthesis) (A)

🔒 Adding/Subtracting 6 numbers (w/ parenthesis) (B)

▶️ Adding/Subtracting/Multiply (no parenthesis) (3-4 numbers)

🔒 Adding/Subtracting/Multiply (w/parenthesis) (3-4 numbers)

▶️ Adding/Subtracting/Multiply (no parenthesis) (5-6 numbers)

🔒 Adding/Subtracting/Multiply (w/parenthesis) (5-6 numbers)

▶️ Extra practice (order of operations up to 6 terms) (A)

🔒 Extra practice (order of operations up to 6 terms) (B)

🔒 Extra practice (order of operations up to 6 terms) (C)

▶️ Addition Word Problems (1-Digit) (A)

🔒 Addition Word Problems (1-Digit) (B)

▶️ Addition Word Problems (2-Digit) (A)

🔒 Addition Word Problems (2-Digit) (B)

▶️ Addition Word Problems (3-Digit) (A)

🔒 Addition Word Problems (3-Digit) (B)

▶️ Subtraction Word Problems (1-Digit)

▶️ Subtraction Word Problems (2-digit) (A)

🔒 Subtraction Word Problems (2-digit) (B)

▶️ Subtraction Word Problems (3-digit)

▶️ Mixed Addition and Subtraction Word Problems (A)

🔒 Mixed Addition and Subtraction Word Problems (B)

🔒 Mixed Addition and Subtraction Word Problems (C)

▶️ Multiplication Word Problems (single-digit)

▶️ Multiplication Word Problems (double-digit) (A)

🔒 Multiplication Word Problems (double-digit) (B)

▶️ Division word problems (basic) (A)

🔒 Division word problems (basic) (B)

🔒 Division word problems (basic) (C)

🔒 Division word problems (basic) (D)

▶️ Division word problems (intermediate) (A)

🔒 Division word problems (intermediate) (B)

🔒 Division word problems (intermediate (C)

🔒 Division word problems (intermediate) (D)

▶️ Division word problems (advanced) (A)

🔒 Division word problems (advanced) (B)

🔒 Division word problems (advanced) (C)

🔒 Division word problems (advanced) (D)

▶️ Mixed multiplication and division word problems (A)

🔒 Mixed multiplication and division word problems (B)

🔒 Mixed multiplication and division word problems (C)

🔒 Mixed multiplication and division word problems (D)

▶️ Mixed 4 operations word problems (A)

🔒 Mixed 4 operations word problems (B)

🔒 Mixed 4 operations word problems (C)

▶️ Shopping word problems (money counting) (A)

🔒 Shopping word problems (money counting) (B)

🔒 Shopping word problems (money counting) (C)

▶️ Time word problems (A)

🔒 Time word problems (B)

🔒 Time word problems (C)

▶️ Measurement word problems (in, ft, and yds) (A)

🔒 Measurement word problems (in, ft, and yds) (B)

▶️ Measurement word problems (cm, mm, and m) (A)

🔒 Measurement word problems (cm, mm, and m) (B)

▶️ Length word problems (in inches) (A)

🔒 Length word problems (in inches) (B)

▶️ Length word problems (in centimeters) (A)

🔒 Length word problems (in centimeters) (B)

▶️ Adding/Subtracting decimals word problems (A)

🔒 Adding/Subtracting decimals word problems (B)

🔒 Adding/Subtracting decimals word problems (C)

▶️ Adding/Subtracting fractions word problems (A)

🔒 Adding/Subtracting fractions word problems (B)

🔒 Adding/Subtracting fractions word problems (easy)

🔒 Adding/Subtracting fractions word problems (advanced)

▶️ Multiplying fractions by whole numbers (A)

🔒 Multiplying fractions by whole numbers (B)

🛑 Hold On! Are you looking to unlock ALL of our 4th Grade Math Worksheets?

When you sign up for the Mashup Math Infinite K-8 Worksheet Portal, you will gain on-demand access to our complete fourth grade math worksheet library!

▶️ Click here to gain on-demand access to all of our 4th Grade math worksheets

Students Love Our 4th Grade Math Worksheets. Here’s Why…

All of the sample activities in the 4th Grade Math Worksheets library above were created by math teachers with the specific goal of helping teachers and parents to give their fourth grade students meaningful, effective, and engaging opportunities to explore, practice, and learn mathematics. It’s no secret that there are plenty of free fourth grade math worksheets available online and that you have plenty of options to choose from, but we believe that our worksheets are a cut above the rest. Why? While many worksheets are focused on having students perform math in a repetitive and procedural way that requires very little critical thinking, our fourth grade math worksheets are designed to be engaging and allow students to apply their math skills in a meaningful way that will further their understanding of a given skill or topic. The goal of our worksheets is to give students opportunities to engage with mathematics that will spark their interest in the subject at a young age (rather than learning to falsely believe that math is a boring and monotonous subject).

If this is your first time use Mashup Math resources with your students, we suggest downloading and sharing a few of the above free worksheets for 4th grade students either at home or in your classroom so you can see for yourself how much students enjoy them. For one, you will notice that we take a quality over quantity approach to creating math worksheets and we emphasize meaningful and engaging learning experiences over boring and highly repetitive tasks. By giving your students opportunities to interact with math in a fun and approach way, they are more likely to develop strong math skills and a positive attitude about the subject as a whole.

Also, our fourth grade math worksheets are meant to be shared with students in an environment that allows them to work at their own pace. We believe that self-pacing is key to math development at the elementary level and that students should be able to practice and learn math without feeling rushed. By designing our 4th grade math worksheets with the attention span of a fourth grade student in mind, we only include an appropriate amount of questions so that students do not feel rushed or unable to self-pace. While this idea may seem like common sense, many math teachers make the mistake of assigning students way too many practice problems at one time, which often leads to math anxiety and a belief that math is boring and monotonous. Since we believe that the number one goal of a worksheet is to help students to learn math, it is important that students are given opportunities to interact with math at their own pace, and our 4th grade math worksheets are designed with this goal in mind.


Mashup Math’s 4th grade math worksheets are meant to be shared with students in an environment that allows them to work at their own pace and they do not contain an excessive amount of problems that could cause students to feel anxious or rushed. (Image: Mashup Math via Getty)


Whenever you are ready to try using our 4th grade math worksheets, you will have many options. Here are a few examples of how you can effectively use our fourth grade math worksheets to support your students:

  • supplementing a lesson that teaches a new topic or skill

  • give students extra practice opportunities

  • warm-up activities

  • cool-down activities and exit tickets

  • homework assignments

  • independent practice

  • quiz and test review

No matter how you choose to use our worksheets, when implemented properly, they can be a great tool for supporting your fourth graders math education. The key is giving students opportunities to learn math in a meaningful way that is appropriately challenging and engaging. On the other hand, if math is presented in a way that is fast paced, monotonous, highly repetitive, and/or super boring, students are subject to adopt the belief that math is a dull subject that is not fun or enjoyable.

Finally, as we said earlier, our fourth grade math worksheets are designed with our core belief that effective math instruction should give students opportunities to interact with mathematics in way that allows them to make deep connections and understandings. Fourth graders are open-minded and curious learners and effective teachers know how to channel their curiosity into engaging learning experiences. If we don’t help our students to learn to love math at a young age, then we are doing them a great disservice as many desirable career paths require strong math skills.

So, while math worksheets are not the only way to teach math, they can be an exceptionally effective tool when used correctly, which is why every math teacher relies on using math worksheets in some way or another. When you give your 4th grade students fun and engaging opportunities to interact with mathematics in an approachable and appropriately challenging way, you are placing them on the path to be successful in mathematics in middle school and beyond.


Looking for more awesome Fourth Grade Math Worksheets? Click here to gain access to our complete library of worksheets and answer keys, where you can gain on-demand access to ALL of our 4th grade math worksheet libraries.