Free Kindergarten Math Worksheets

All of the math worksheets for kindergarten students below are samples from the Kindergarten Math Worksheet Libraries on our Infinite K-8 Math Worksheet Portal.

Click any of the links below to download the corresponding kindergarten math worksheets and answer key.

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Welcome to our complete collection of Kindergarten Math Worksheets, which are arranged by topic and skill. Our worksheets are designed with the interests of young learners in mind, and they are created to blend a kindergarten student’s curiosity and love of exploration with foundational math and problem solving skills that they will need to be successful when they eventually move onto elementary and middle school math courses. The free math worksheets for kindergarten students below are not your typical boring and repetitive practice worksheets. Instead, they are carefully designed to allow kindergartners to practice, explore, and learn more in a fun, engaging, and colorful way.

If you would like to access our complete library of kindergarten math worksheets, consider signing-up for access to our K-8 math worksheet portal, where you will gain access to ALL of our math activity, puzzle, and worksheet libraries for grades K-8.

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▶️ Number Tracing: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

▶️ Practice Number Tracing 1-10

🔒 Number Tracing: 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20

🔒 Practice Number Tracing 1-20

▶️ Number Reference Sheet (0-10)

▶️ Finger Counting Reference Sheet (1-10)

▶️ Practice Finger Counting

▶️ Practice writing numbers 0-7

🔒 Number Tracing 0-9

🔒 Practice writing numbers 8 and 9

🔒 Number Tracing 1-10

▶️ Number Tracing 6-10

▶️ Practice writing numbers 10-13

▶️ Focus on 0-3

▶️ Focus on 4

🔒 Focus on 5

🔒 Focus on 6 and 7

🔒 Focus on 8, 9, and 10

▶️ Focus on 10

🔒 Focus on 11

▶️ Matching numbers with words (up to 10)

🔒 Matching numbers with words (up to 20)

▶️ (A) Counting numbers 1-10

▶️ (B) Counting numbers 1-10

🔒 (C) Counting numbers 1-10

🔒 (D) Counting numbers 1-10

▶️ Counting Stacks of Objects (A)

🔒 Counting Stacks of Objects (B)

▶️ Counting Using 10-Frames (A)

🔒 Counting Using 10-Frames (B)

▶️ Simple skip counting by 2s

🔒 Skip counting by 2

▶️ Skip Counting by 2 (evens)

🔒 Skip Counting by 2 (odds)

▶️ Skip Counting by 2s (Start at 2)

🔒 Skip Counting by 2s (Start at 8)

🔒 Skip Counting by 2s (Start at 11)

🔒 Skip Counting by 2s (Start at 100)

▶️ Skip counting by 3

🔒 Skip counting by 4

🔒 Skip counting by 5

▶️ Skip Counting by 5s (Start at 5)

▶️ Skip counting by 10

▶️ Skip Counting by 10s (Start at 10)

▶️ Counting backwards 10-1 A

🔒 Counting backwards 10-1 B

▶️ Counting backwards 20-1 A

🔒 Counting backwards 20-1 B

▶️ Counting grouped objects up to 10

🔒 Counting grouped objects up to 20

▶️ Practice writing numbers 1-25

▶️ Practice writing numbers 26-50

🔒 Practice writing numbers 51-75

🔒 Practice writing numbers 76-100

▶️ Writing numbers as words 1-10

▶️ Writing numbers as words 11-20

🔒 Writing numbers as words 21-30

🔒 Writing numbers as words 31-40

🔒 Writing numbers as words 41-50

▶️ Circle a number of objects (to 10)

🔒 Circle a number of objects (to 20)

▶️ Count to 100 Chart

▶️ 101 Bananas! (Count to 101)

▶️ Make 5 through 10 using number bonds

▶️ Which number/group is larger?

🔒 Which number/group is smaller?

▶️ Comparing numbers A

🔒 Comparing numbers B

🔒 Comparing numbers C

▶️ Comparing number using < or > (up to 25)

🔒 Comparing number using < or > (up to 50)

🔒 Comparing number using < or > (up to 100)

▶️ Even or odd? (up to 25)

🔒 Even or odd? (up to 50)

🔒 Even or odd? (up to 100)

▶️ Writing ordinal numbers A

🔒 Writing ordinal numbers B

▶️ Matching ordinal numbers

▶️ Order numbers from greatest to least (up to 10)

🔒 Order numbers from greatest to least (up to 50)

🔒 Order numbers from greatest to least (up to 100)

▶️ Order numbers from least to greatest (up to 10)

🔒 Order numbers from least to greatest (up to 50)

🔒 Order numbers from least to greatest (up to 100)

▶️ Base 10 blocks-regrouping (A)

🔒 Base 10 blocks-regrouping (B)

▶️ Counting with base 10 blocks (A)

🔒 Counting with base 10 blocks (B)

🔒 Counting with base 10 blocks (C)

▶️ Express numbers as 10’s and 1’s (A)

🔒 Express numbers as 10’s and 1’s (B)

🔒 Express numbers as 10’s and 1’s (C)

▶️ Adding using base 10 blocks (A)

🔒 Adding using base 10 blocks (B)

🔒 Adding using base 10 blocks (C)

▶️ Place value: identify tens and ones (A)

🔒 Place value: identify tens and ones (B)

🔒 Place value: identify tens and ones (C)

▶️ Combine tens and ones (A)

🔒 Combine tens and ones (B)

🔒 Combine tens and ones (C)

▶️ Identifying place value: tens and ones (A)

🔒 Identifying place value: tens and ones (B)

🔒 Identifying place value: tens and ones (C)

▶️ Adding tens and ones (A)

🔒 Adding tens and ones (B)

▶️ Adding tens and ones - advanced (A)

🔒 Adding tens and ones - advanced (B)

▶️ Units of time (minutes)

▶️ Units of time (hours)

🔒 Units of time (days)

🔒 Units of time: minutes, hours, or days?

▶️ Reading the clock (hours) (large font) (A)

🔒 Reading the clock (hours) (large font) (B)

▶️ Telling time in whole hours (A)

🔒 Telling time in whole hours (B)

▶️ Telling time in half hours (A)

🔒 Telling time in half hours (B)

▶️ Telling time in quarter hours (A)

🔒 Telling time in quarter hours (B)

▶️ Draw the time on the clock (hours)

🔒 Draw the time on the clock using a digital clock (hours)

🔒 Draw the time on the clock (hours, half hours)

🔒 Draw the time on the clock (hours, half hours, quarter hours)

▶️ Longer or shorter?

▶️ Which object weighs more?

🔒 Which object weighs less?

▶️ Measuring lengths in inches (A)

▶️ Measuring lengths in inches (B)

🔒 Measuring lengths in inches (C)

🔒 Measuring lengths in inches (D)

🔒 Measuring lengths in inches (E)

🔒 Measuring lengths in inches (F)

▶️ Measure the object in centimeters (A)

🔒 Measure the object in centimeters (B)

🔒 Measure the object in centimeters (C)

▶️ Practice with Number Bonds: 5

▶️ Practice with Number Bonds: 6

▶️ Practice with Number Bonds: 7

🔒 Practice with Number Bonds: 8

🔒 Practice with Number Bonds: 9

🔒 Practice with Number Bonds: 10

🔒 Practice with Number Bonds: 11-19

🔒 Practice with Number Bonds: 20

▶️ Adding using blocks

▶️ Adding groups on objects (equation form) (A)

🔒 Adding groups on objects (equation form) (B)

▶️ Add one (single-digit)

▶️ Add two (single-digit)

🔒 Add three (single-digit)

🔒 Adding using your fingers

▶️ Add using dice

▶️ Simple addition: single-digit (large font) (A)

🔒 Simple addition: single-digit (large font) (B)

▶️ Addition: make 10 (A)

🔒 Addition: make 10 (B)

▶️ Vertical addition to 10 (A)

▶️ Vertical addition to 10 (B)

▶️ Vertical addition to 20 (A)

🔒 Vertical addition to 20 (B)

▶️ Addition: fill in the missing number (up to 10)

▶️ Addition: fill in the missing number (up to 20)

🔒 Addition: fill in the missing number (up to 100)

▶️ Adding single-digit numbers

▶️ Subtracting using pictures

▶️ Subtract one (single-digit)

▶️ Subtract two (single-digit)

🔒 Subtract three (single-digit)

▶️ Subtract from 10 (A)

🔒 Subtract from 10 (B)

▶️ Simple subtraction: single-digit (large font) (A)

🔒 Simple subtraction: single-digit (large font) (B)

▶️ Vertical subtraction (to 10)

▶️ Vertical subtraction (to 20)

▶️ Subtraction: fill in the missing number (up to 10)

🔒 Subtraction: fill in the missing number (up to 20)

🔒 Subtraction: fill in the missing number (up to 100)

▶️ Subtracting single-digit numbers

▶️ Mixed addition and subtraction (single-digit)

▶️ Addition word problems (single-digit)

🔒 Addition word problems (2-digit) A

🔒 Addition word problems (2-digit) B

▶️ Subtraction word problems (single-digit)

🔒 Subtraction word problems (2-digit) A

🔒 Subtraction word problems (2-digit) B

▶️ Matching coins with names (USD)

▶️ Matching coins with names (CAD)

🔒 Matching coins with values (USD)

🔒 Matching coins with values (CAD)

▶️ Coin Chart (USD)

▶️ Coin Chart (CAD)

▶️ Coin Focus: Penny (USD)

🔒 Coin Focus: Nickel (USD)

🔒 Coin Focus: Dime (USD)

🔒 Coin Focus: Quarter (USD)

▶️ Match the total value of coins (USD)

▶️ Match the total value of coins (CAD)

🔒 Write the total value of coins (USD)

🔒 Write the total value of coins (CAD)

🔒 Piggy bank: count the coins (USD)

▶️ How much does it cost? (USD) (A)

▶️ How much does it cost? (USD) (B)

▶️ Patterns of letters

🔒 Patterns of objects

🔒 Patterns of shapes

▶️ Common shapes reference sheet

🔒 Matching shapes and their names

▶️ Matching Shapes to Real-World Objects (A)

▶️ Matching Shapes to Real-World Objects (B)

🔒Matching Shapes to Real-World Objects (C)

🔒 Matching Shapes to Real-World Objects (D)

🔒 Matching Shapes to Real-World Objects (E)

▶️ Matching Shapes to Their Names (A)

🔒 Matching Shapes to Their Names (B)

▶️ Matching similar shapes

▶️ Drawing shapes: circles

🔒 Drawing shapes: ovals

🔒 Drawing shapes: squares

▶️ Drawing shapes: rectangles

▶️ Drawing shapes: triangles

🔒 Drawing shapes: diamonds

▶️ Counting Tally Marks (A)

🔒 Counting Tally Marks (B)

▶️ Drawing tally marks (A)

🔒 Drawing tally marks (B)

▶️ Completing tally charts (A)

🔒 Completing tally charts (B)

🔒 Completing tally charts (C)

▶️ Reading bar graphs (A)

🔒 Reading bar graphs (B)

🔒 Reading bar graphs (C)

▶️ Making bar graphs (A)

🔒 Making bar graphs (B)

🔒 Making bar graphs (C)

▶️ Analyzing bar graphs (A)

🔒 Analyzing bar graphs (B)

🔒 Analyzing bar graphs (C)

🛑 WAIT! Are you looking to unlock ALL of our Kindergarten Math Worksheets?

When you sign up for the Mashup Math Infinite K-8 Worksheet Portal, you will gain access to all of our kindergarten math worksheets and answer keys all in one convenient place.

▶️ Click here to gain on-demand access to all of our kindergarten math worksheets

Why Should You Use Our Kindergarten Math Worksheets with Your Students?

Our free math worksheets for kindergarten students are specifically designed to give kindergarten students a positive experience with practicing, learning, and exploring foundational math topics. Our worksheets are created with the goal of sparking an early interest in mathematics as each kindergarten math worksheet is meant to help students develop the foundational math skills that they will need throughout all levels of their future education.

By making our worksheets colorful, approachable, and fun, our math kindergarten worksheets allow students to develop their math skills in ways that are engaging and helpful in their overall development of foundational math skills such as counting, number sense, and estimation. Our math worksheets for kindergarten students also allow kids to work at their own pace as they are not meant to be timed. Since not all kindergarten students learn at the same speed, it is incredibly important to give them opportunities to work at their own pace, which is why many parents like to print and share our free kindergarten math worksheets at home.

Whether used at home or in your classroom, our math for kindergarten worksheets promote self-pacing and give kids the freedom to learn, practice, and explore math at a pace that is comfortable for them. This ability to self-pace is incredibly important during this early stage of education as students are stilling forming their feelings and beliefs about mathematics—a topic which we want them to enjoy and want to pursue further when they eventually reach higher grade levels.


Effective kindergarten math worksheets allow students to self-pace and engage with math in an exploratory way. (Image: Mashup Math via Getty)


Additionally, our kindergarten math worksheets are highly applicable to a variety of teaching styles and curriculums. Since our worksheet libraries cover all of the foundational topics typically covered in any kindergarten math course, our worksheets can be used as primary practice activities, warm-up or cool-down activities, extra practice assignments, or even as homework.

Finally, each free kindergarten math worksheet is a new opportunity for kids to interact with mathematics via exploration. Young children are naturally curious learners with a unique desire to be able to understand their world and math is a fabulous tool for making sense of that world. Worksheets can serve as a structured opportunity for kindergartners to explore math in a way that makes sense to them. For example, math worksheets for kindergarten students can help them to identify patterns, make logical connections, and develop their problem-solving skills.

In conclusion, worksheets, when used correctly, can be a key part of a kindergartner’s math development. They are an incredible useful tool for learning, instruction, and exploration. And when you are able to get students interested in mathematics at a young age, you are putting them on the path for a lifelong interest in the subject.


Looking for more awesome Kindergarten Math Worksheets? Click here to gain access to our complete library of worksheets and answer keys, where you can gain access to ALL of our kindergarten math resources.