Number Tracing Worksheets
Click any of the links below to download the corresponding worksheet and answer key.
▶️ Practice Number Tracing 1-10
▶️ Practice Number Tracing 1-20
▶️ Writing Numbers: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
▶️ Writing Numbers: 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20
▶️ Number Reference Sheet (0-10)
▶️ Finger Counting Reference Sheet (1-10)
▶️ Practice writing numbers 0-7
▶️ Practice writing numbers 8 and 9
▶️ Practice writing numbers 10-13
▶️ Focus on 0-3
▶️ Focus on 4
▶️ Focus on 5
▶️ Focus on 10
▶️ Matching numbers with words (up to 10)
▶️ Matching numbers with words (up to 20)
▶️ Practice writing numbers 1-25
▶️ Practice writing numbers 26-50
▶️ Practice writing numbers 51-75
▶️ Practice writing numbers 76-100
▶️ Writing numbers as words 1-10
▶️ Writing numbers as words 11-20
▶️ Writing numbers as words 21-30
▶️ Writing numbers as words 31-40
▶️ Writing numbers as words 41-50
▶️ Circle a number of objects (to 10)
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