Place Value & Rounding Worksheets

Click any of the links below to download the corresponding worksheet and answer key.

▶️ Adding using base 10 blocks (A)

▶️ Adding using base 10 blocks (B)

▶️ Adding using base 10 blocks (C)

▶️ Base 10 blocks-regrouping (A)

▶️ Base 10 blocks-regrouping (B)

▶️ Place value: identify tens and ones (A)

▶️ Place value: identify tens and ones (B)

▶️ Place value: identify tens and ones (C)

▶️ Adding tens and ones (A)

▶️ Adding tens and ones (B)

▶️ Adding tens and ones - advanced (A)

▶️ Adding tens and ones - advanced (B)

▶️ Identifying place value: tens and ones (A)

▶️ Identifying place value: tens and ones (B)

▶️ Identifying place value: tens and ones (C)

▶️ Express numbers as 10’s and 1’s (A)

▶️ Express numbers as 10’s and 1’s (B)

▶️ Express numbers as 10’s and 1’s (C)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest 10 (A)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest 10 (B)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest 10 (C)

▶️ Build a 3-digit number (A)

▶️ Build a 3-digit number (B)

▶️ Fill in the missing place value (3-digit numbers) (A)

▶️ Fill in the missing place value (3-digit numbers) (B)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest 10 (up to 1000) (A)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest 10 (up to 1000) (B)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest hundred (A)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest hundred (B)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest ten or hundred (A)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest ten or hundred (B)

▶️ Build a 4-digit number (A)

▶️ Build a 4-digit number (B)

▶️ Fill in the missing place value (4-digit numbers) (A)

▶️ Fill in the missing place value (4-digit numbers) (A)

▶️ Identifying a digit’s place value (to thousands) (A)

▶️ Identifying a digit’s place value (to thousands) (B)

▶️ Identifying a digit’s place value (to thousands) (C)

▶️ Identifying a digit’s place value (to thousands) (D)

▶️ Identifying a digit’s place value (to thousands) (E)

▶️ Blank place value reference chart (ones to thousands)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest hundred (A)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest hundred (B)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest ten or hundred (A)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest ten or hundred (B)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest hundred (0-1,000) (A)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest hundred (0-1,000) (B)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest hundred (0-10,000) (A)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest hundred (0-10,000) (B)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest thousand (0-10,000) (A)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest thousand (0-10,000) (B)

▶️ Mixed Rounding (tens, hundreds, thousands) (A)

▶️ Mixed Rounding (tens, hundreds, thousands) (B)

▶️ Mixed Rounding (tens, hundreds, thousands) (C)

▶️ Build a 5-digit number (A)

▶️ Build a 5-digit number (B)

▶️ Fill in the missing place value (5-digit numbers) (A)

▶️ Fill in the missing place value (5-digit numbers) (B)

▶️ Build a 6-digit number (A)

▶️ Build a 6-digit number (B)

▶️ Fill in the missing place value (6-digit numbers) (A)

▶️ Fill in the missing place value (6-digit numbers) (B)

▶️ Write 5-digit numbers in expanded form (A)

▶️ Write 5-digit numbers in expanded form (B)

▶️ Write 5-digit numbers in expanded form (C)

▶️ Comparing numbers using > or < (up to 1 million) (A)

▶️ Comparing numbers using > or < (up to 1 million) (B)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest ten thousand (up to 1 million) (A)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest ten thousand (up to 1 million) (B)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest ten thousand (up to 1 million) (C)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest ten thousand (up to 1 million) (A)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest ten thousand (up to 1 million) (B)

▶️ Rounding to the nearest ten thousand (up to 1 million) (C)

▶️ Naming and Rounding Decimal Places (A)

▶️ Naming and Rounding Decimal Places (B)

▶️ Estimation and rounding word problems

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