121 Funny Math Jokes for All Ages!
The Ultimate Collection of Funny Math Jokes for Kids and Adults
Are you ready for some funny math jokes and puns? (Image: Mashup Math MJ)
Are you a fan of funny math jokes and puns?
Did you hear the one about the two thieves who stole the calendar? ......They each got six months!
What about the one about parallel lines having so much in common? It’s a shame they’ll never meet!
Will all of the math jokes and puns on this page be super cheesy? Only sum.
Whether you are an elementary, middle, or high school math student, a teacher, or a math enthusiast looking to laugh out loud, funny math jokes are a great way to inject some laughter into your day and to make the subject of mathematics for fun and enjoyable.
On this page, we are sharing our 121 favorite funny math jokes and puns of all time. Each math joke is perfect for people of all ages, including kids and adults. This collection of math jokes will have you laughing out loud over and over again, as we have curated 101 of the most giggle-worthy math jokes ever told.
So, if you’re ready to start laughing, continue on to start enjoying our list of 101 funny math jokes, which has something funny for people of all ages to enjoy.
This collection of math jokes is organized by the following sections: Number Jokes | Silly Math Puns | Questions and One-Liners | Angles and Shapes Jokes | Silly Mathematicians
Funny Math Jokes: Number Jokes
1.) Why did the two fours skip a meal? Because they already eight!
2.) Why did zero and two break up? Some one came between them.
3.) Why did one and zero make such a great couple? Because, together they are ten times stronger!
4.) Why did zero have such a hard time without one? Because, without one, he is nothing.
5.) What do you call numbers that are always on the move? Roamin’ numerals.
6.) How do you make seven an even number? Take away the ‘S’.
Funny Math Joke #2: Why did zero and two break up? Some one came between them. (Image: Mashup Math)
7.) Why did four get denied entry into the night club? Because he was two squared!
8.) What did 53 tell 47 to convince him to go to the night club? We’re not too old. We’re in our prime years!
9.) Why did everyone think that three was such an odd guy? Because he wasn’t divisible by two.
10.) Why did all of the other numbers avoid conversing with pi at the dinner party? Because he goes on and on forever...
11.) Have you ever heard of the relationship equation? You + Me = Us
12.) Why did five’s parents not approve of him dating a fraction? Because she was improper.
13.) Why was zero jealous of eight? Because he was wearing a new designer belt!
14.) What do numbers do on a snow day? They go outside and build an eight-man!
15.) Why is the number nine so sassy? Because she can’t even!
16.) Why is the number zero so frustrated? Because many people incorrectly believe that he can’t even!
17.) Why was the addition sign feeling down? Because he didn’t feel very product-ive!
18.) Why was the equal sign so down-to-earth? He knew that he wasn’t greater than or less than anyone else.
19.) Why was the inequality sign so full of himself? He thought he was greater than everyone else.
Funny Math Joke #23: Why were the other numbers afraid of 7? Because 7-8-9! (Image: Mashup Math)
20.) Why do squares love the number sixty-four? Because they think he’s perfect.
21.) Why do cubes also love the number sixty-four? Because they also think he’s perfect.
22.) Why doesn’t sixty-four believe that he is perfect? Because he’ll never be prime like sixty-seven.
23.) Why were the other numbers afraid of 7? Because 7-8-9
24.) Do you know why seven ate nine? Because he needs to eat three-squared meals a day!
25.) Why didn’t seven ever get caught? Because the police suspected some one else.
26.) Why couldn’t the witness help convict seven? Because he couldn’t really three what happened!
27.) Why did one-fifth go to see a masseuse after hearing the news about nine? Because he was feeling two-tenths!
28.) How do people who struggle with fractions deal with cutting a pizza evenly? They don’t. They just eat the whole thing!
29.) Why is there no use in arguing with pi? He’s completely irrational.
Funny Math Joke #29: Why should you never argue with an irrational number? (Image: Mashup Math)
Funny Math Jokes: Silly Math Puns
30.) Why do members of the camel family excel in mathematics? Because math is no prob-llama!
31.) What is a llama’s favorite branch of mathematics? Llama-rithmetic!
32.) What is a llama’s favorite linear relationship? Para-llama lines!
33.) Who is the inventor of fractions? Henry the Eighth!
34.) What tool does every math student need? Multi-pliers!
35.) Can monsters be good at mathematics? Only if you Count Dracula!
36.) What are ten things that you can always count on without a calculator? Your fingers!
37.) What are ten things that chickens can never count on? Chicken fingers!
38.) What is the most adorable thing you can find in a math classroom? A-cute angle!
Funny Math Joke #35: Can monsters be good at mathematics? Only if you Count Dracula! (Image: Mashup Math)
39.) What insect is good with calculations? An account-ant!
40.) What insect is good with statistics? Probabili-bees!
41.) Where does a Christmas Tree sit on a number line? Between a Christmas Two and a Christmas Four!
42.) Why did the field mouse change his major? Because he was afraid of his owl-gebra professor.
43.) What does a farmer use to help him with arithmetic? A cow-culator!
44.) Why is it a bad idea to miss math class often? Because it keeps adding up!
45.) What do you call 3 feet of trash? A junk yard!
46.) Why did the nickel and the penny start a fortune telling business? Because, together, they had six cents!
47.) Why did the mathematician join the farmer’s union? Because he was protractor!
48.) Farmer Fran: After a long day of work on her farm, Francesca checked to make sure that her dog returned all 17 of her sheep back to their pen. After counting 20 total sheep, she became extremely confused and asked her dog “how do I have 20 sheep in my pen when I only own 17 of them? “Yes, I know,” replied her dog. “But I rounded them up.”
Funny Math Joke #39: What insect is good with calculations? An account-ant! (Image: Mashup Math)
49.) Why was the calendar so worried? Because his days are numbered!
50.) Why was the hungry clock never accurate? Because he always goes back four seconds!
51.) Who is the most famous medieval mathematician? Sir Cumference
52.) Where did he hold his meetings? At the round table!
53.) What was his favorite food? Pi, of course!
54.) The Job Interview:
Hotel Manager: Thank you for interviewing for our cleaning position.
Bob: No problem! I love to clean.
Hotel Manager: In addition to cleaning all of the linens and floors, you will also have to clean the toilet in every room each day.
Bob: How many rooms are there?
Hotel Manager: The hotel has 288 rooms.
Bob: I’m sorry, but I am no longer interested in the position.
Hotel Manager: Why!? I thought you said that you loved to clean.
Bob: Yes, but cleaning 288 toilets is two gross!
Funny Math Joke #51: Who is the most famous medieval mathematician? Sir Cumference! (Image: Mashup Math)
55.) Where do mathematicians eat dinner? On a multiplication table!
56.) Where do mathematicians go for happy hour? To the bar graph!
57.) What is the absolute king of all math tools? The ruler!
58.) What math tool is the most adventurous? The compass!
59.) What type of math are giant apes good at? Kong Division
60.) Why is it unhealthy to make too many math puns? Some believe they are the first sine of madness!
61.) Are all math puns always super cheesy? Only sum.
Funny Math Joke #59: What type of math are giant apes good at? Kong Division (Image: Mashup Math)
Funny Math Jokes: Questions and One-Liners
62.) Why was the math textbook so sad? Because it had too many problems!
63.) Why should you stand in the corner of a room when you are feeling cold? Because it’s always 90 degrees.
64.) I’ll do algebra. I’ll do geometry. I’ll even do trigonometry. But graphing is where I draw the line.
65.) How old do you have to be to drink root beer out of a square cup? 21 in most states!
66.) Why is it a bad idea to put 8 ice cubes in a drink? Because it would be two cubed!
67.) What does one dollar and the moon have in common? They both have four quarters!
68.) Why do trees hate math? Because it gives them square roots!
69.) Why do shrubs hate math? Because it gives them cube roots!
70.) What did the acorn say when he grew up? Geometry (Gee, I’m a tree!)
71.) What is the most mathematical plant? A Geome-tree!
Funny Math Joke #68: Why do trees hate math? Because it gives them square roots! (Image: Mashup Math)
72.) What is one tool that you can always count on? An abacus!
73.) Why can’t someone’s hand be exactly 12 inches long? Because that would be a foot!
74.) What is the most mathematical type of snake? A pi-thon!
75.) What subgroup makes up 3.14% of sailors? Pi-rates!
76.) What happens when you divide the circumference of the sun by its diameter? Pi in the sky!
77.) Cutting Your Work in Half:
Salesman: Sir, this lawn mower will cut your work in half!
Customer: Excellent! I’ll take two of them!
78.) What did the concerned math student say to algebra?
Dear Algebra,
Please stop asking us to find your X. She’s never coming back.
And don’t ask Y.
A concerned math student
Funny Math Joke #106: What do you call dudes who love math? Alge-bros!
79.) There is a fine line between a numerator and a denominator. But only a fraction of people would understand.
80.) There are three kinds of people in the world: Those who can count and those who can’t.
81.) How did the man who was obsessed with simplifying fractions think about his past? Hindsight is 1.
82.) What is one fifth of one foot? A toe.
83.) What is the problem with jokes about fractions? 5 out of 4 people don’t understand them!
84.) What months have 28 days? All of them!
85.) How many seconds are in one year? 12 (January 2nd, February 2nd, March 2nd, ...)
86.) How would you feel if someone removed the fifth month from your calendar? Extremely dis-Mayed.
87.) What happened to the two thieves who stole a calendar? They each got six months!
Funny Math Joke #87: What happened to the two thieves who stole a calendar? They each got six months! (Image: Mashup Math)
Funny Math Jokes: Angles and Shapes
88.) Why does an obtuse triangle lose every argument? Because he’s never right!
89.) Why should you never argue with a circle? Because it’s pointless.
90.) What happens if you forget to close your parrot’s cage? Polygon (Polly Gone!)
91.) What shape is most commonly found at the DMV? A line.
92.) Why was the geometry student late for school? She took the rhombus (wrong bus!)
93.) What happened to the square after he got into an accident? He became a wrecked-angle.
94.) What is a witch’s favorite shape? A hex-agon!
Funny Math Joke #94: What is a witch’s favorite shape? A hex-agon! (Image: Mashup Math)
95.) Did you hear about the over-educated circle? He had 360 degrees.
96.) What is the only thing that flat-earthers have to fear? Sphere itself!
97.) Parallel lines have so much in common... It’s a shame they’ll never meet!
98.) What do they call the longest side of a right triangle in the jungle? A Hippo-potenuse!
99.) Why was the triangle so cold? Because he was ice-sosceles.
100.) What do you call a four-sided figure with four equal sides and four right angles in Antarctica? A Polar square!
101.) What do you call a four-sided figure with four equal sides and four right angles in Australia? A Koala square!
Funny Math Joke #99: Why was the triangle so cold? Because he was ice-sosceles. (Image: Mashup Math)
Funny Math Jokes: Mathematicians
102.) What state did the mathematician move to? Math-achusetts
103.) What happened to the mathematician who was caught robbing banks? A judge sent him to prism.
104.) What do mathematicians like to do after it snows? Make snow angles!
105.) How do mathematicians prefer to eat ice cream? By moving from pint A to pint B.
106.) What do you call dudes who love math? Alge-bros!
107.) What is the loudest mathematical operation? Gong-Division!
108.) What mathematical operation is an Olympic sport? Ping Pong-Division
109.) What is the most musical mathematical operation? Song-Division
Funny Math Joke #103: What happened to the mathematician who was caught robbing banks? A judge sent him to prism. (Image: Mashup Math)
110.) Why did the math student insist on sitting on the floor while working on multiplication problems? To prove that she didn’t need to use tables!
111.) What is a mathematician’s favorite section of New York City? Times Squared
112.) Did you hear what happened to the statistician on his way to work? Probably
113.) What do mathematicians eat for dinner on March 14th? Chicken Pot Pi
114.) Why are algebra teachers great dancers? Because they have algo-rhythm
115.) Why did the mathematician’s friend get upset when she told him he was average? Because it was a mean thing to say!
116.) Why do algebra teachers feel superior to geometry teachers? Because geometry teachers are too symbol minded!
117.) Why should you never trust a mathematician with graph paper? Because he’s definitely plotting something!
118.) Why did Pythagoras and Albert Einstein go to small claims court? Because they both claimed ownership of C squared.
119.) What is a mathematician’s favorite chocolate drink? Ellipse-tine
120.) Why did the math teacher only teach her students how to perform subtraction? Because she wanted to make a difference.
121.) How did the mathematician teach his pet chicken how to do long division? By showing it lots of egg-samples!
Funny Math Joke #117: Why should you never trust a mathematician with graph paper? Because he’s definitely plotting something! (Image: Mashup Math)
Congratulations on making it to the end of our list of the funniest math jokes and puns of all time! We hope that you shared a chuckle or seven and had some fun with these jokes. Feel free to share them with math students and enthusiasts young and old.