What is the Cube Root of…

The following reference posts shares the cube roots of the most often searched values.

What is a cube root?

The cube root of a number is the value that produces that number when cubed.

For example, the cube root of 64 is 4 because 4^3 (4x4x4) equals 64.


What is the Cube Root of 1?

The cube root of 1 is 1 because 1x1x1=1.

What is the Cube Root of 8?

The cube root of 8 is 2 because 2x2x2=8.

What is the Cube Root of 27?

The cube root of 27 is 3 because 3x3x3=9.

What is the Cube Root of 64?

The cube root of 64 is 4 because 4x4x4=64.

What is the Cube Root of 125?

The cube root of 125 is 5 because 5x5x5=125.

What is the Cube Root of 216?

The cube root of 216 is 6 because 6x6x6=216

What is the Cube Root of 343?

The cube root of 343 is 7 because 7x7x7=343

What is the Cube Root of 512?

The cube root of 512 is 8 because 8x8x8=512

What is the Cube Root of 729?

The cube root of 729 is 9 because 9x9x9=729

What is the Cube Root of 1000?

The cube root of 1000 is 10 because 10x10x10=1000

What is the Cube Root of 1331?

The cube root of 1331 is 11 because 11x11x11=1331

What is the Cube Root of 1728?

The cube root of 1728 is 12 because 12x12x12=1728

What is the Cube Root of 2196?

The cube root of 2196 is 13 because 13x13x13=2196

What is the Cube Root of 2744?

The cube root of 2744 is 14 because 14x14x14=2744

What is the Cube Root of 3375?

The cube root of 3375 is 15 because 15x15x15=3375

What is the Cube Root of 4096

The cube root of 4096 is 16 because 16x16x16=4096

What is the Cube Root of… (Special Cases)

What if a cube root is not a whole number?

If a number is not a perfect cube, it’s cube root will be a decimal.

What is the Cube Root of 2?

The cube root of 2 is approximately 1.26 because 1.26x1.26x1.26 ≈ 2

What is the Cube Root of 3?

The cube root of 3 is approximately 1.44 because 1.44x1.44x1.44 ≈ 3

What is the Cube Root of 4?

The cube root of 4 is approximately 1.59 because 1.59x1.59x1.59 ≈ 4

What is the Cube Root of 9?

The cube root of 9 is approximately 2.08 because 2.08x2.08x2.08 ≈ 9

What is the Cube Root of 16?

The cube root of 16 is approximately 2.52 because 2.52x2.52x2.52 ≈ 16

What is the Cube Root of 81?

The cube root of 81 is approximately 4.33 because 4.33x4.33x4.33 ≈ 81

Learn How to Graph Cube Roots and Cubic Functions:

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