7 Super Fun Math Logic Puzzles for Kids! — Mashup Math

7 Super Fun Math Logic Puzzles for Kids Ages 10+ (Answers Included!)

A Post By: Anthony Persico

Working on fun math riddles and brain teasers is a great way for kids to develop number sense and improve their mathematical problem-solving skills.

And these same benefits also apply to math logic puzzles, which also help students learn to think algebraically (usually years before they even step foot inside of an algebra class!).

The following collection of 7 math logic puzzles for kids ages 10+ range from basic to advanced make for a great challenge and a fun math learning experience. Enjoy!

(Looking for more free math puzzles, riddles, and brain teasers for kids?)


7 Super Fun Math Logic Puzzles for Kids!

Each of the following math logic puzzles for kids includes an image graphic and there is an answer key at the end!

But if you want more detailed explanations of how to answer every riddle, check out the Math Logic Puzzles Explained! video link below and be sure to give it a thumbs up!

Watch the Math Logic Puzzles Video:


Free Worksheet Included!

Free Worksheet Included!

There is also a link to download a Free Printable PDF Math Logic Puzzles Worksheet and Answer Key that shares all of these logic puzzles at the end of this post!

All of the math logic puzzles below are samples from the best-selling 101 Daily Math Challenges for Engaging Students in Grades 3-8 PDF workbook, which is now available!

7 Super Fun Math Logic Puzzles for Kids:

Math Logic Puzzle #1:


Keep reading to the bottom of this page to see the answer key AND click here to see the video that explains the solution to this problem.

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Math Logic Puzzle #2:


Keep reading to the bottom of this page to see the answer key AND click here to see the video that explains the solution to this problem.


Math Logic Puzzle #3:


Keep reading to the bottom of this page to see the answer key AND click here to see the video that explains the solution to this problem.

Are you looking for more super fun Math Riddles, Puzzles, and Brain Teasers to share with your kids?

The best-selling workbook 101 Math Riddles, Puzzles, and Brain Teasers for Kids Ages 10+! is now available as a PDF download. You can get yours today by clicking here.

Math Logic Puzzle #4:


Keep reading to the bottom of this page to see the answer key AND click here to see the video that explains the solution to this problem.

Math Logic Puzzle #5:


Keep reading to the bottom of this page to see the answer key AND click here to see the video that explains the solution to this problem.

Math Logic Puzzle #6:


Keep reading to the bottom of this page to see the answer key AND click here to see the video that explains the solution to this problem.

Math Logic Puzzle #7:


Keep reading to the bottom of this page to see the answer key AND click here to see the video that explains the solution to this problem.

Math Logic Puzzle Bonus!



  1. Peach=8, Watermelon=12, Banana=5

  2. Planet=7, Helmet=4, Rocket=11

  3. Yellow Pot=17, Orange Pot=0, Purple Pot=17

  4. Burger=25, Ketchup=8, French Fries=25

  5. Playstation Controller=6, Gameboy=3, Switch Controller=18

  6. Husky=10, Terrier=17, Poodle=10

  7. Cake=5, Cookie=40, Cupcake=6

    Bonus: Van=12, Dove=0, Heart=6


Free PDF Worksheet:

Click here to get your Free Math Riddles PDF Worksheet and Answer Key!

And click here to sign up for our math education mailing list to start getting free K-12 math activities, puzzles, and lesson plans in your inbox every week!

Are you looking for more super fun Math Puzzles to share with your kids?

My best-selling workbook 101 Daily Math Challenges for Engaging Students in Grades 3-8 is now available as a PDF download. You can get yours today by clicking here.

Did I miss your favorite math riddle for kids? Share your thoughts, questions, and suggestions in the comments section below!

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By Anthony Persico


Anthony is the content crafter and head educator for YouTube's MashUp Math and an advisor to Amazon Education's 'With Math I Can' Campaign. You can often find me happily developing animated math lessons to share on my YouTube channel . Or spending way too much time at the gym or playing on my phone.

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