11 Super Funny Pi Jokes for All Ages! — Mashup Math

11 Supper Funny Pi Jokes

Can you never get enough super funny Pi jokes related to most famous symbol in all of mathematics?

 (Did you hear the one about the mathematicians ordering takeout on March 14th ….. They got chicken pot pi!)

In math, pi—which is portrayed as the Greek symbol π—represents the ratio of the circumference of any circle to its diameter, which is often approximated to 3.14 (although the actual number is irrational and continues on and on forever).

This relationship is ubiquitous in mathematics and is often celebrated in a variety of ways, including with humor! So, if you can’t get enough of celebrating Pi, whether its Pi Day (celebrated on March 14th each year) or not, then you will absolutely love this collection of some of the funniest pi jokes and pi puns you’ve ever seen!

Today’s post shares a collection of our eleven favorite (and funniest) pi jokes. Each joke is a sample from our wacky math joke book Super Silly Math Jokes for Kids!, which includes 150+ silly math jokes for all ages. If you love math humor, then you will absolutely love the book.

Now is your best chance to discover the best pi jokes and pi puns on the internet all in one place! Go ahead and add them to your math joke collection and use them to get a big chuckle out of your friends and classmates and to impress your math teachers and professors. Because, whether it’s pi day or not, sharing funny, silly, and sometimes wacky pi jokes is a great way to add some humor to your life—especially if you love mathematics as much as we do!

The list of pi jokes below shares each joke in two parts: first, the opener and, second, the punchline. You will notice that the opener of each joke is shown in bold text, while the punchline is shown in regular italic text. Each pi joke also includes a fun image graphic (in a cartoon style) that portrays each joke like a comic. You are encouraged to share this post and/or your favorite joke on Facebook and Twitter!

And now for the big moment…are you ready to laugh so hard that your sides will hurt and milk will shoot out of your nose?

Whenever you are ready to start laughing, go ahead and scroll down to see all of our pi jokes!

11 Super Funny Pi Jokes

1.) What do you get when you divide the circumference of a jack-o-lantern by its diameter?

Pumpkin Pi!


2.) What do you call a mathematician who becomes a private investigator?

Magnum Pi


3.) What is the most mathematical type of snake?

A Pi-Thon!


4.) Where does a dough-shaped disc topped with melted cheese and seasoned tomato sauce with a radius of z and a depth of a get its name from?

Pizza ( Pi x z x z x a )


5.) What subset makes up 3.14% of sailors?



6.) What do mathematicians eat for dinner on March 14th?

Chicken Pot Pi


7.) What do mathematicians and the Air Force have in common?

They both use pi-lots!


8.) Why did all of the other numbers avoid conversing with pi at the party?

Because he goes on and on forever!


9.) What do you get when you divide the circumference of the moon by its diameter?

Pi in the sky!


10.) What happens when you eat less pi and focus on diet and exercise?

You get a smaller circumference!


11.) Why should you never argue with pi?

He’s completely irrational!


Want More Funny Math Jokes?

Then you’ll love this ultimate collection of the funniest, zaniest, wackiest, and silliest math jokes and puns for all ages! Click here to get your math jokes today!

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