What Is MyMathLab? (And How to Use It!)


What Is MyMathLab? (And How to Use It!)

Screenshot via https://mlm.pearson.com

Screenshot via https://mlm.pearson.com

What is MyMathLab?

MyMathLab is an interactive online learning system made by Pearson. The MyMathLab resources correspond with the physical mathematics textbooks that are also created by Pearson.

The MyMathLab curriculum ranges from elementary mathematics all the way to advanced college-level math courses including calculus, STEM courses, and teacher training.

In short, MyMathLab is an online learning platform for math teachers to share with students who need opportunities to learn and practice mathematics remotely, while still getting feedback in the form of checking answers and immediate grading.

What are the Key Features of MyMathLab?

  • Interactive activities

  • Infinite practice problems

  • Online textbook lessons

  • Homework assignments

  • Quizzes and tests

  • Video tutorials

  • Progress tracking

  • Instant feedback

  • Customized curriculum and course setup

Is MyMathLab Effective?

In 2015, Pearson released a report on the effectiveness of using MyMathLab as an interactive online learning platform to improve student math skills and performance (in comparison to traditional in-person teaching systems).

The report made several conclusions in regard to the efficacy of MyMathLab.

First, students engaged with MyMathLab had more successful learning outcomes (namely increased grades on summative assessments, improved learning attitudes, prolonged math success, and college readiness) compared to their non-MyMathLab counterparts.

Furthermore, according to the report,

Students who use MyMathLab become better equipped to pursue their academic goals and achieve their life dreams. But those efforts are not over: a successful technology implementation is an ongoing process, ever evolving with the emergence of new and improved pedagogy, the entry of each unique cohort of students, and the increased amounts of information gleaned via the long-term tracking and measuring of student data.

Here is a link to the full report.

How Much Does MyMathLab Cost?

According to our research, the cost to get full access to a MyMathLab course is $49.97 USD. Users can submit payment using a credit card or PayPal account.

Note that, if your school district pays for you to have access to MyMathLab, then you will receive a unique access code that will allow you to create an account without submitting payment.

How to Use MyMathLab?

If you are new to MyMathLab and are not sure how to use it or how to access all of its features, there are many helpful resources that you can turn to for support.

The first step is to make sure that you have internet access and the ability to access the internet.

Sign in to your account by visiting www.mlm.pearson.com or www.mymathlab.com. From there, you can either sign in or register.

Once logged in, you will see options to do things such as enroll in a class, access your course homepages, view general announcements, and more.

For a more in-depth look at how to use MyMathLab and take advantage of all of its features, check out the following YouTube tutorial:

MyMathLab Reviews: Is It Worth It?

There are limited reviews of MyMathLab online and the only report on the efficacy of the system is published by its creator, Pearson.

EdSurge is known for reviewing online learning platforms like MyMathLab, but their website does not include a formal review of the system. Rather, they only share a general overview and description without any case studies or summit reflections.

However, there are several verified reviews for the MyMathLab student access program on Amazon.

For reference, the student access kit provides users with a unique code that allows access to the MyMathLab system. Students can then enroll in online math courses, access interactive content, and learn at their own pace while measuring their improvement and progress along the way.

Here are some of the top-rated reviews (click to enlarge):


MyMathLab is an interactive online learning platform for students to learn and practice mathematics via homework assignments, video tutorials, digital textbooks, and online quizzes and tests. MyMathLab can be used independently or assigned by a teacher via a class or course and the grade levels can range from basic elementary mathematics all the way to advanced and college-level mathematics.

While there are some reports and reviews supporting the efficacy and effectiveness of MyMathLab on student success and long-term skill progression (and advantages over traditional in-person learning), there is still not enough reviews and support from major education outlets like EdSurge and Edutopia to make a strong final conclusion.

Have questions, comments, or insights that you would like to add? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

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February 2021 is an Extremely Special Month to Math Fans. Here's Why!


February 2021 is an Extremely Special Month to Math Fans. Here's Why!

February 2021 is an Extremely Rare ‘Perfectly Rectangular Month.’ Does It Only Happen Once Every 200 Years?


Did you know that February 2021 is a perfect rectangular month? This means that the first day of the month starts on a Monday and the last day of the month ends on a Sunday. Thus, the calendar has four rows of seven days, which makes a perfect rectangle with a length of 7 days and a height of 4 days.

Pretty cool, right?

And while a perfect rectangular month is considered extremely rare (some are claiming that such an event only takes place once every 200 years), how unlikely is it really?

Let’s explore!


For starters, is it possible that any other month can be a perfect rectangle month?

Every month’s calendar will always look like a jigsaw—except for February.

Why? Because February is the only month that has a number of days (28 assuming it is not a leap year) that is divisible by 7 (the number of days in one week).

For example:

January: 31 Days ÷ 7 = 4 with a Remainder of 3 Days

February: 28 Days ÷ 7 = 4 (*NO REMAINDER)

March: 31 Days ÷ 7 = 4 with a Remainder of 3 Days

April: 30 Days ÷ 7 = 4 with a Remainder of 2 Days


So, a perfect rectangular month can only happen in the month of February during a non-leap year (because there are 29 days in February during leap years).

Is February 2021 a Perfect Rectangle Month?


Yes! If you start the week on a Monday, you can see that February 2021 does not make a jigsaw shape. Rather, it is a perfect rectangle!

Note that you can also start the week on a Sunday and have a perfect rectangular year (which will occur in 2026!).

How Rare is a Perfect Rectangular Month?

And now for the big question…how often do perfect rectangular February’s occur?

It turns out that these perfect months are pretty rare, but not as rare as the once every two hundred years hype that is spreading around the internet these days.

These kinds of events actually occur about once per decade on average. The last perfect February occurred in 2010 and the next one will be in 2027.

Looking to Celebrate this Special February with Your Math Students?

If so, then add my free Perfect February 2021 Think-Notice-Wonder Math Writing Prompt for Grades 1-8 to your upcoming lesson plans!


Bonus! Celebrate Black History Month in Your Math Classroom!


⇥ 11 Famous African American Mathematicians You Should Know About

February is Black History Month, a time to celebrate and honor the generations of African American men and women and their struggle to achieve citizenship and equal rights in American society.

More Free K-8 Math Resources You Will Love:


Your Kids Will Love These Valentine's Day Math Puzzles


Your Kids Will Love These Valentine's Day Math Puzzles


Are you looking for some fun, free, and printable Valentine's Day Math Activities to share with your kids this month?

(We just launched a brand new collection of free Valentine’s Day Math Worksheets for grades K-8! Click here to get your free pdf downloads).

Holiday-themed math puzzles give your kids an opportunity to think critically and deeply about mathematics, develop problem-solving strategies, and work through challenging problems.

And when math problems can channel your students' excitement for Valentine's Day into meaningful learning experiences, engagement will skyrocket!

So, go ahead and try these challenges and puzzles with your kids this month. These free and printable Valentine's Day Math activities are perfect for warm-up and/or cool-down activities and are great for sparking mathematical discussions in your home or classroom. The puzzles are perfect for students in grades 1 through 8.

How to Download: You can download any of the puzzles by right-clicking on the image and saving it to your computer or by dragging-and-dropping it to your desktop.


1.) Find the value of the '?'

Use your math skills to find the value of each icon.

Love = 4

Heart Box = 5

Teddy Bear = 9

Love Birds = 3

? = 7

Hint: 8 minus what value is that same value?



2.) Multiplication tables work like a Bingo board, where the value of each box represents the product of its corresponding row and column.

Card = 1

Rose = 2

Heart = 3

Cupid = 6

Chocolates = 18


Looking for more free math challenges like these? click here


3.) Which One Doesn't Belong? (simple)

Remember that WODB? activities are meant to spark mathematical thinking and discussion and do not have a single correct answer.

Want to learn more about how to use WOBD? math activities with your kids? click here



4.) Multiplication Area Model

Using area model challenge questions is a great strategy for getting kids to think visually about multiplication, which is the approach that Mathematical Mindsets author Jo Boaler recommends most for improving math understanding.

Hint: The area model represents the product of 13 and 9.

Heart = 10

Love Potion = 5

Teddy Bear = 15

Cupid = 12

Are you looking for more Valentine’s Day Math Worksheets for students in grades K-8?

Check out our brand new Valentine’s Day Math Worksheet Library to download free holiday-themed pdf worksheets with answer keys.

Click here to get your free pdf worksheets


5.) Bonus Geometry Puzzle

Can your kids use their knowledge of area, perimeter, and composite figures to solve this puzzle?

Hint: Two half-circles make one full circle.

Area: approximately 178.5 square cm

Perimeter: approximately 51.4 cm

Do you want to get free math puzzles like this in your inbox every week? Click here to sign up for our free mailing list (includes a free eBook!).


How will you use these math puzzles with your kids? Share your thoughts and suggestions in the comments section below!

(Never miss a Mashup Math blog--click here to get our weekly newsletter!)

By Anthony Persico


Anthony is the content crafter and head educator for YouTube's MashUp Math and an advisor to Amazon Education's 'With Math I Can' Campaign. You can often find me happily developing animated math lessons to share on my YouTube channel . Or spending way too much time at the gym or playing on my phone.



Can You Solve This Famous Math Riddle? (for Ages 10+)


Can You Solve This Famous Math Riddle? (for Ages 10+)

Most People Can’t Figure Out This Simple Math Riddle. Can You?

The Bridge of Destiny Math Riddle is a twist on the famous bridge and torch problem. This math riddle is seemingly simple and a fan favorite for ages 10 and up, yet many people can’t seem to get the correct answer.

If you love math riddles, brain challenges, and epic quests, then give this one a try and see if you have what it takes to find the answer!

Bridge of Destiny Math Riddle:

  • Four travelers on a quest must cross a fragile bridge to continue their journey.

  •  No individuals can cross the bridge without the Destiny Gem close by, which, fortunately, they have in their possession.

  •  If at any time, more than two individuals walk on the bridge, it will collapse.

  •  Each traveler moves at a different pace, and it will take each traveler the following amount of time to cross the bridge:

  • Sorceress: 1 minute, Archer: 2 minutes, Warrior: 5 minutes, Wizard: 8 minutes

  • When two travelers cross the bridge together, they must move at the slower person's pace.

    What is the shortest time needed for all four travelers to safely cross the bridge?


  •  No more than two individuals can cross the bridge at the same time (otherwise, it will collapse)

  •  Individuals must stay together when crossing the bridge and be in possession of the Destiny Gem

  •  All four travelers must get safely across

  •  No tricks spells, or throwing the Destiny Gem allowed!

Ready to Give This Math Riddle a Try?

Chart Example

Chart Example

Go ahead and try and solve the Destiny Bridge Math Riddle on your own before scrolling any further. Come back when you’re ready to see the answer.

(Hint: Using a chart can be very helpful!)


Bridge Riddle Answer

Click to enlarge.

Many people conclude that the shortest amount of time for all four travelers to cross the bridge is 17 minutes, but this is incorrect!

***The actual answer is 15 minutes.

To find the correct answer to the riddle, you must realize that having the two slowest individuals cross the bridge individually wastes valuable time which can be saved if they both cross together.

Detailed Explanation:

Check out our animated Destiny Bridge Riddle Video for a detailed explanation of why the answer is 15 minutes AND for a super fun bonus riddle!


Ready for a Bonus Riddle?

Wait! Our travelers need your help yet again. Can you solve the bonus riddle?


The River and The Torch

  •  Further along their journey, the four travelers must cross a river at night.

  •  Crossing the river after dark is only possible with a torch, so the travelers have traded the Destiny Gem for a Torch that will provide light for 17 minutes after it is lit.

  •  Only two travelers can cross the river at one time, and they must have the torch in their possession in order to see where they are going.

  •  Each traveler takes the following amount of time to cross the river

  •  Wizard: 10 Minutes, Sorceress: 5 Minutes, Archer: 2 Minutes, Warrior: 1 Minute

 How can all four travelers cross the river before the torch burns out?


Go ahead and try and solve the River and Torch Math Riddle on your own before scrolling any further. Come back when you’re ready to see the answer.

We'll be here waiting for you when you’re done :)

(Hint: Again, using a chart can be very helpful!)

River Riddle Answer

***The answer is 17 minutes.

Just like the bridge riddle, to find the correct answer, you have to save time by having the two slowest individuals (in this case, the wizard and the sorceress) cross the bridge together.

Did you get the correct answer?

Looking for a pdf worksheet version of the Destiny Bridge riddle?

Click the link below to get your download (answer key included)

Free Destiny Bridge Riddle PDF Worksheet


Today’s math riddle is a sample from our best-selling workbook: 101 Math Riddles, Puzzles, and Kids Ages 10+!

Here are some samples from the book:


The Gummy Bear Pyramid

In Between

Friday the 13th

101 Math Riddles, Puzzles, and Brain Teasers for Kids Ages 10+! is now available as a PDF download. You can get yours today by clicking here.


More Fun Math Riddles and Brain Teasers You Will Love:


100 Free 4th Grade Math Worksheets with Answers


100 Free 4th Grade Math Worksheets with Answers

Welcome to the Ultimate Collection of Free 4th Grade Math Worksheets and Activities!

Are you looking for engaging 4th-grade math worksheets that your students will actually enjoy?

If so, then you’re in the right place! The following collection gives you access to over 100 of the best free 4th-grade math worksheets for multiple topics and ability levels. All of the worksheets are available as printable pdf files that include complete answer keys.

This collection is updated frequently and includes some of the best 4th grade math resources available anywhere online. Enjoy!


All of the following worksheets are samples from the activity libraries available exclusively to Mashup Math Members. If you are interested in getting all of our 4th-grade math lesson resources, click here to sign up for a free 7-day membership trial today!

4th Grade Math Worksheets Categories

Warm-Up Activities

1.) Order of Operations Practice Puzzles

2.) Which One Doesn’t Belong?

3.) Two Truths and One Lie!

Topic-Specific Worksheets

4.) Multiplication Tables Puzzle Worksheets

5.) Area Models Worksheets

6.) Library: Multiplication and Division, Place Value, Fractions, etc.

Word Problems and Writing Prompts

7.) 4th Grade Math Word Problems

8.) Think-Notice-Wonder (Writing Activities)

Extra Credit

9.) 4th Grade Math Riddles and Brain Teasers

10.) Coloring Pages

Warm-Up Activities

1.) Order of Operations Practice Puzzles

Solving Order of Operations puzzles is a fun way to have your students practice adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing.

1.) ⤓ Operations Puzzle Worksheet

2.) ⤓ Operations Puzzle Worksheet

3.) ⤓ Operations Puzzle Worksheet

4.) ⤓ Operations Puzzle Worksheet

5.) ⤓ Operations Puzzle Worksheet


Bonus 4th Grade Math Resource!

Why is GEMS the Best Way to Teach Order of Operations?

(Free GEMS print-out included!)

2.) Which One Doesn’t Belong?

Which One Doesn’t Belong? (WODB) Activities have recently become incredibly popular with 4th-grade math teachers because they are proven to boost student engagement and participation.

1.) ⤓ WODB Worksheet

2.) ⤓ WODB Worksheet

3.) ⤓ WODB Worksheet

4.) ⤓ WODB Worksheet

5.) ⤓ WODB Worksheet


3.) Two Truths and One Lie!

Are your students ready to become math detectives? Two Truths and One Lie! (2T1L) math activities are a fun way to spark deep mathematical thinking and open discussion at the start or end of any lesson.

1.) ⤓ 2T1L Worksheet

2.) ⤓ 2T1L Worksheet

3.) ⤓ 2T1L Worksheet

4.) ⤓ 2T1L Worksheet

5.) ⤓ 2T1L Worksheet

Do you want Free K-12 Math Resources, Lesson Plans, and Activities in your inbox every week?

Topic Specific Worksheets

4.) Multiplication Tables

Multiplication Table puzzles work like a bingo board where each box represents the product of its corresponding column and row.

1.) ⤓ Mult. Table Worksheet

2.) ⤓ Mult. Table Worksheet

3.) ⤓ Mult. Table Worksheet

4.) ⤓ Mult. Table Worksheet

5.) ⤓ Mult. Table Worksheet

5.) Area Model Worksheets

An area model is an excellent visual tool for helping students to understand multiplication, products, and composite numbers.

1.) ⤓ Area Model Worksheet

2.) ⤓ Area Model Worksheet

3.) ⤓ Area Model Worksheet

4.) ⤓ Area Model Worksheet

5.) ⤓ Area Model Worksheet


Bonus 4th Grade Math Resource!

How to Teach Multiplication Using Area Models

6.) Topic-Specific 4th Grade Math Worksheets


Looking for topic-specific math worksheets to give your students extra practice on topics including multiplying and dividing, word problems, place value, and fractions. Here are a few samples:

1.) ⤓ Practice: Convert Meters to Centimeters

2.) ⤓ Practice: Area and Perimeter

3.) ⤓ Practice: Division with Remainders

4.) ⤓ Practice: Rounding Multi-Digit Numbers

5.) ⤓ Practice: Multiplying 3 and 4-Digit Numbers

▶▶ Click here to access our entire Topic-Specific 4th Grade Math Worksheet Library

Word Problems and Writing Prompts

7.) 4th Grade Math Word Problems Worksheets


Are you looking for engaging multi-step 4th grade math word problems for topics including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, mixed operations, fractions, and decimals?

1.) ⤓ Mixed Addition and Subtraction

2.) ⤓ Mixed Multiplication and Division

3.) ⤓ Adding and Subtracting Fractions

4.) ⤓ Multiplying Fractions

5.) ⤓ Adding and Subtracting Decimals

8.) Think-Notice-Wonder Writing Prompts

Writing about math helps kids to organize their thinking, use key vocabulary, and communicate mathematically—which leads to deep and meaningful understanding. And using Think-Notice-Wonder (TNW) activities is a great way to get your students to express their thoughts about math in writing.

1.) ⤓ TNW Math Writing Prompt

2.) ⤓ TNW Math Writing Prompt

3.) ⤓ TNW Math Writing Prompt

4.) ⤓ TNW Math Writing Prompt

5.) ⤓ TNW Math Writing Prompt


Extra Credit Activities

9.) Math Riddles and Brain Teasers

Mix up your lesson plans by including some fun and challenging math riddles and brain teaser worksheets with your students!

1.) ⤓ Matchstick Math

2.) ⤓ Pascal’s Triangle

3.) ⤓ Gummy Bear Pyramid

4.) ⤓ How Many Handshakes?

5.) ⤓ Paulo’s Pooches

10.) Math Coloring Pages

Math + Coloring = Fun! Use these 4th-grade math coloring worksheets as extra credit assignments with your students!

1.) ⤓ Math Coloring Worksheet

2.) ⤓ Math Coloring Worksheet

3.) ⤓ Math Coloring Worksheet

4.) ⤓ Math Coloring Worksheet

5.) ⤓ Math Coloring Worksheet


Bonus 4th Grade Math Resource!

Free 4th Grade Math Worksheet Topic Library


Do YOU Want On-Demand Access to All of Our 4th Grade Math Lesson Resources?

Do you want on-demand access to ALL of our 4th grade math activities, worksheets, lesson plans, and puzzle libraries?

Mashup Math Members gain access to thousands of engaging grade-specific math puzzles, activities, and worksheets for grades K-8. Learn more and sign up for a free 7-day trial today!

BONUS! For the next 24 hours only, sign-up for an annual membership for $19 USD (normal price is $47.88)! Join today!

