Free Valentine’s Day Math Activities ♥️
Looking for fun Valentine’s Day Math Worksheets for Grades K-8?
Love is in the air and it’s time to plan your lesson plans for this upcoming February 14th by sharing some fun Valentine’s Day math activities with your students in grades K-8.
Whenever you share holiday-themed math activities with your students, it’s a nice touch to share a little history of the holiday, why it is celebrated, any cultural significance it may have, and maybe even a fun fact or two. By building up the experience and giving the holiday some extra significance, you can expect a strong boost in student engagement and participation—and who doesn’t want that?
Did you know that Valentine’s Day originated as Saint Valentine’s Day, a celebration day for Valentinus, one of the first Christian saints. The holiday became linked to romantic love during the Middle Ages when courtship with a common tradition in society. And so, February 14th evolved over the centuries to become the celebration of love that we know it to be today, with common traditions such as giving flowers, chocolates, and love letters to one’s significant other.
Ready to celebrate in your classroom? Effective teachers know how to channel their students’ excitement for fun events and holidays—like Valentine’s Day—into fun and engaging learning experiences. Sharing holiday-themed math puzzles is a perfect way to give your students an opportunity to get excited about mathematics while working on fun yet challenging problems that encourage critical thinking and the use of creative problem solving strategies.
If you are looking for Free Valentine’s Day Math Activities for Grades K-8 to share with your students this year, then you have come to the right place. This post shares 10 printable Valentine’s Day math worksheets that are available as pdf files that you can download and share as printed worksheets, projected on a screen or SmartBoard, or on an online learning platform such as Google Classroom.
▶ All of the free Valentine’s Day math activities are free samples from the Holiday-Themed Math Puzzle Libraries available on our membership website (However, you don’t have to be a member to access the free sample Valentine’s Day math worksheets below).
Looking for fun Valentine’s Day Math Worksheets to share with your students? (Image: Mashup Math MJ)
Each activity includes a description of the object (basic directions for students), along with suggestions for how to use each activity, and links to pages that share more information about each type of activity in case you want to learn more and access more sample puzzles (this links are especially useful if you are not familiar with activities like Two Truths and One Lie, Think-Notice-Wonder, and Which One Doesn’t Belong?).
How to Download: Each Valentine’s Day math activity includes a preview image (click to enlarge) and a text link to download. Simply click the link to download any of the Valentine’s Day math worksheets as a pdf file (answer keys are included).
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10 Free Printable Valentine’s Day Math Puzzles
Valentine’s Day Math Puzzle #1 ❤️
▶ Order of Operations
(This worksheet is a sample from the Holiday-Themed Math Puzzles library available on our membership site (free trial included))
Activity Objective: Use your math skills to find the value of each symbol and the ? in the puzzle.
▶Worksheet Download:
Grades K-2 Version: ⤓ Click here to get your pdf worksheet
Grades 3-5 Version: ⤓ Click here to get your pdf worksheet
Grades 6-8 Version: ⤓ Click here to get your pdf worksheet
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Puzzle Preview (Grade 3-5 Version)
Valentine’s Day Math Puzzle #2 ❤️
▶ Multiplication Tables
(This worksheet is a sample from the Multiplication Tables library available on our membership site (free trial included))
Activity Objective: Use your multiplication skills to find the value of each symbol in the times table.
▶Worksheet Download:
Grades 3-6 Version: ⤓ Click here to get your pdf worksheet
Grades 4-8 Version: ⤓ Click here to get your pdf worksheet
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Puzzle Preview (Grade 4-8 Version)
Valentine’s Day Math Puzzle #3 ❤️
▶ Which One Doesn’t Belong? (WODB)
(This worksheet is a sample from the WODB Activity Library available on our membership site (free trial included))
Activity Objective: Carefully observe each of the four graphics and decide which one does not belong with others. Explain your answer in writing.
▶Worksheet Download:
Grades K-6 Version: ⤓ Click here to get your pdf worksheet
Grades 4-8 Version: ⤓ Click here to get your pdf worksheet
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Why You Should Be Using WODB to Boost Student Engagement in Math
Puzzle Preview (Grade 4-8 Version)
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Valentine’s Day Math Puzzle #4 ❤️
▶ Two Truths and One Lie! (2T1L)
(This worksheet is a sample from the 2T1L Activity Library available on our membership site (free trial included))
Activity Objective: Use math skills and the given information to determine which of the three statements is a lie! Explain how you made your decision.
▶Worksheet Download:
Grades K-2 Version: ⤓ Click here to get your pdf worksheet
Grades 3-5 Version: ⤓ Click here to get your pdf worksheet
Grades 6-8 Version: ⤓ Click here to get your pdf worksheet
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Puzzle Preview (Grade 3-5 Version)
Valentine’s Day Math Puzzle #5 ❤️
▶ Area Models
(This worksheet is a sample from the Area Models Library available on our membership site (free trial included))
Activity Objective: Find the value of each symbol in the area model so that the entire box represents the given value.
▶Worksheet Download:
Grades 3-6 Version: ⤓ Click here to get your pdf worksheet
Grades 4-8 Version: ⤓ Click here to get your pdf worksheet
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Puzzle Preview (Grade 4-8 Version)
Valentine’s Day Math Puzzle #6 ❤️
▶ Logic Puzzles
(This worksheet is a sample from the Logic Puzzles Library available on our membership site (free trial included))
Activity Objective: Observe the scales below and use your math skills to find the weight of each object, then answer the follow-up question.
▶Worksheet Download:
Grades K-2 Version: ⤓ Click here to get your pdf worksheet
Grades 3-5 Version: ⤓ Click here to get your pdf worksheet
Grades 6-8 Version: ⤓ Click here to get your pdf worksheet
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Gain access to ALL of our K-8 math activity libraries with a membership plan.
Puzzle Preview (Grade 3-5 Version)
Valentine’s Day Math Puzzle #7 ✏️❤️
▶ Think-Notice-Wonder (TNW)
(This worksheet is a sample from the TNW Activity Library available on our membership site (free trial included))
Activity Objective: Observe the graphic below and, in writing, complete the following : I think…, I notice…, I wonder…
▶Worksheet Download:
Grades 3-8: ⤓ Click here to get your pdf worksheet
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Why You Should Be Using TNW Activity to Get Your Students Writing About Math
Puzzle Preview (Grade 3-8 Version)
Valentine’s Day Math Puzzles #8-10 💚💙💜
▶ Math Riddles and Brain Teasers
(This worksheet is a sample from the Math Riddles and Brain Teasers Library available on our membership site (free trial included))
Activity Objective: User math, logic, and reasoning skills to solve each of the following brain teasers
▶Worksheet Downloads:
Teddy Squares (Gr. K-6): ⤓ Click here to get your pdf worksheet
Teddy Rectangles (Gr. 4-8): ⤓ Click here to get your pdf worksheet
Heart Area/Perimeter (Gr. 4-8): ⤓ Click here to get your pdf worksheet
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Puzzle Previews
Mashup Math puzzles and activities are created by applying research-supported best practices and strategies that have been proven to boost student engagement and overall performance. For a quick reference on the impact of using visual math puzzles to boost your student engagement and participation, check out this post by Stanford Education Professor Jo Boaler and findings on the effectiveness of visual math puzzles and activities for improving student engagement and learning.
Do you want on-demand access to hundreds of k-8 math activities, worksheets, and holiday-themed puzzles like the ones shared in this post?
Why are more and more math teachers using Mashup Math resources every school year? Because our activities are super engaging and loved by students—and having access to all of our resources in one convenient place will take your lessons to the next level and cut your planning time in half!
Plus, all plans include a risk-free 14-day trial so that you can make sure that our resources will be useful to you and your students. Note that you while you do have to enter your payment information to create an account, as long as you cancel during the trial period, you will not be charged.
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