Decimal to Fraction: Everything You Need to Know
Are you ready to learn how to convert a decimal to fraction?
(and if you’re looking to learn how to convert a fraction to a decimal, click here)
Before you learn an easy way to complete both of these conversions (with and without a calculator), let’s make sure that you understand what decimals and fractions are:
A decimal number is used to represent a non-whole number where a decimal point is used followed by digits that represent a value that is smaller than one.
A fraction represents a part of a whole number. A fraction is a ratio between the upper number (the numerator) and the lower number (the denominator). The numbers are stacked vertically and separated with a bar.
The key takeaway from these definitions is that decimals and fractions are different ways of representing the same thing—a number that is not whole.
How to Convert Decimal to Fraction
You can convert a decimal to a fraction by following these three easy steps.
In this case, you will use the decimal 0.25 as an example (see the graphic below).
Step One: Rewrite the decimal number over one (as a fraction where the decimal number is the numerator and the denominator is one).
Step Two: Multiply both the numerator and the denominator by 10 to the power of the number of digits after the decimal point. If there is one value after the decimal, multiply by 10, if there are two then multiply by 100, if there are three then multiply by 1,000, etc.
In the case of converting 0.25 to a fraction, there are two digits after the decimal point. Since 10 to the 2nd power is 100, we have to multiply both the numerator and denominator by 100 in step two.
Step Three: Express the fraction in simplest (or reduced form).
If you need more help with simplifying fractions, check out this free video lesson.
By following these three steps in the above decimal to fraction example, you can conclude that the decimal 0.25, when converted to a fraction, is equal to 1/4.
Here is another example of how to convert a decimal to fraction:
Notice that the answer to this example is a mixed number (a whole number and a fraction combined).
Decimal to Fraction Calculator
Screenshot of
If you need a fast and easy way to convert a decimal to a fraction, then you can take advantage of the many free online decimal to fraction conversion calculators that are available.
This free decimal to fraction calculator from not only performs the conversion, but also shows the calculations (using the three step method shown above), which is a handy tool since it will not only help you find a correct answer, but also understand the process as well.
To use the decimal to fraction calculator, simply input the decimal value and press calculate. Depending on the value that you input, the calculator will convert the decimal to a fraction or a mixed number.
There is also a repeating decimal to fraction calculator (follow the instructions on the webpage to perform this function).
Are you looking to learn more about working with decimals and understanding place value? Click here for more free resources
Decimal to Fraction Worksheet
Do you need more practice with learning how to convert a decimal to a fraction? The following decimal to fraction worksheet and answer key will give you plenty of opportunities to apply the three step process to converting a decimal to a fraction.
Click here to download your free Decimal to Fraction Worksheet with Answers.
And if you are looking for a more in-depth lesson on how to convert decimal to fraction, check out this free decimal to fraction video lesson:
Free Decimal to Fraction Chart (PDF)
Looking for a Useful Decimal to Fraction Chart for Making Conversions?
Click here to download your free printable Decimal to Fraction Conversion Chart.
More Free Decimals and Fractions Resources
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By Anthony Persico
Anthony is the content crafter and head educator for YouTube's MashUp Math . You can often find me happily developing animated math lessons to share on my YouTube channel . Or spending way too much time at the gym or playing on my phone.