Is your teacher desk stocked and ready?

Whether you teacher kindergarten, elementary school, high school, or beyond, your teacher desk is your place to store anything and everything that you could ever need to get through the day-to-day grind of being an educator who spend the majority of your time inside of a classroom.

Since your teacher desk is your little home-away-from-home, keeping it supplied with the right stuff will ensure that you are prepared for anything that comes your way this school year. 

Today’s post shares the Ultimate Teacher Desk Checklist, which includes 31 essential items ranging from basic supplies to drinks and snacks to first aide staples and more.

While you certainly don’t need to have everything on this list, there will surely be a handful of useful teacher desk essentials that you may have overlooked. So, which items will you be adding to your teacher desk? Let’s continue on and find out.

Teacher Desk Essentials

Before you access our Ultimate Teacher Desk Checklist, keep these

  • Items left on (and sometimes even inside of) your teacher desk have a habit of disappearing, so avoid storing anything too expensive or valuable in your desk.

  • When it comes to keeping any type of food inside of your teacher desk, be mindful of storing perishable items or things that will attract insects and critters.

  • Be considerate of space if you are sharing a teacher desk with another colleague.

  • Whenever possible, keep your desk locked and inaccessible to students.

1.) Basic Supplies

Every teacher desk should be well stocked with basic office supplies.

This first essential may seem like a no-brainer, but it's always important to keep your desk stocked with basic teacher supplies including colored markers, staples, highlighters, and post-it notes.

2.) Plastic Utensils

Because sometimes you need to eat your lunch in peace, without making that extra trip to the teacher's lounge.

3.) Water Bottles

Teachers are notoriously dehydrated individuals. Keeping water bottles in your teacher desk will help you stay hydrated and healthy!

4.) Cough Drops

For those days when your throat is not up to the task of speaking, you will be happy to have a handful of cough drops or throat lozenges on hand.

5.) Tylenol

It's hard to think of many things that are worse than dealing with a classroom full of students while you have a headache.

6.) Gum and/or Mints

Millions of teachers suffer from undiagnosed coffee breath. Don't let it happen to you.

7.) Disinfectant Wipes

Every teacher desk should be well equipped with disinfectant wipes.

For all the snot, spit, and spills that cover the surfaces in your classroom.

8.) Sunscreen

You never know when you'll have to spend time outdoors before, during, or after school, so having some sunscreen available can come in handy.

9.) Phone Charger

An extra phone charger is an absolute essential and should be included in every teacher desk.

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10.) Duct Tape or Packaging Tape

You can fix almost anything using duct tape. It will come in handy more than you think! You can also include clear packaging tape in your teacher desk for labels and projects.

11.) Hand Sanitizer

Always keep a small bottle just for yourself.

12.) Tissues

Kids are excellent at using up all of the tissues. Be sure to have a secret stash in your teacher desk.

13.) Paper Towel

Because you're over-due for a coffee spill.

14.) Deodorant and Other Personal Hygiene Products

We all have our awkward moments; being prepared helps you get through them.

15.) Hand Lotion

Because chalk, markers, and glue are your hands' worst enemy.

16.) Vitamin C Supplements

Keep your immune system strong, especially when everyone around you is getting sick.

17.) Extension Cord

It’s always a good idea to have an extension cord in your teacher desk.

For those days when the technology isn't agreeing with you and improvising is required.

18.) Headphones

Have you ever tried listening to music or a podcast during your planning period?

19.) Healthy Snacks

For those days when there's no time to sit down and eat, it’s good to have pre-packaged snacks such as granola bars in your teacher desk.

20.) A Deck of Playing Cards

They're dirt cheap and have a variety of uses. Why not?

21.) Change of Clothes

It's always a good idea to keep a spare outfit for coffee spills, the gym, or after-school events.

22.) Tote Bags

For teachers who are always carrying stuff in and out of their classroom, tote bags are an absolute essential.

23.) Books or Magazines


You never know when you'll have some down time where you want to do anything but grade papers or work on lesson plans.

24.) Umbrella

Why get soaked running to your car when you don't have to?

25.) Air Freshener

Because they're serving Sloppy Joe's for lunch in the school cafeteria today.

26.) Portable USB Stick

Every teacher should keep a USB flash drive on hand.

These are awesome for transporting and backing up large and/or important files.

27.) Money

Keep a few small bills in your teacher desk for fundraisers and vending machines.

Keep a few small bills in your desk for fundraisers and vending machines.

28.) Band-Aids

Seriously, there may be no greater essential than band-aids!

29.) Blank Birthday Cards


Because you will forget grandma's birthday again this year!

30.) Stamps

Because if you send grandma's card during your lunch break, it will make it to her on time!

31.) Takeout Menus and Coupons

For those extra long days when you need to pick something up on your way home from school.

What essential items do you always keep in your teacher desk? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

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