Are You Ready for 17 Awesome New Math Challenges?


Are You Ready for 17 Awesome New Math Challenges?

17 Fun and Printable Math Puzzles for Elementary and Middle School Students

A Post By: Anthony Persico


Winter vacation is over and teachers are taking on the challenge of engaging students and getting them refocused and thinking mathematically again.

Many teachers utilize engaging activities to kickstart the new year and get their kids excited about learning math.

So, in the spirit of getting students excited (and feeling challenged), I have created the following collection of free New Years Math Challenges for you to share with your kids!

Each printable math worksheet shares a challenge question (answers are included) appropriate for all elementary and middle school grade levels.

Parents can also share these fun challenge questions with your kids to keep them engaged and thinking mathematically outside of school.

Now let's get problem-solving!

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1.) Day 1 of 17

(Hint: Start with the chicks!)

Koala Bear = 7

Camel = 3

Chick = 11

Gorilla = 4

2.) Day 2 of 17

(Hint: Start with the grapes!)

Pineapple = 4

Strawberry = 12

Grape = 12

Watermelon = 2

? = 26

3.) Day 3 of 17

(Hint: The racket and the arrow both represent the same value!)

Bowling = 50

Basketball = 25

Arrow = 5

Racket = 5

4.) Day 4 of 17

(Hint: Start with the blue cars!)

Blue Car = 9

Scooter = 7

Helicopter = 8

Jet = 4

5.) Day 5 of 17

(Hint: 8 minus what number is that same number?)

T.V. = 4

Camera = 8

iPhone = 4

Microscope = 6

? = 6


6.) Day 6 of 17

(Hint: You have to crawl before you can walk!)

Baby = 6

Hard Hat = 1

Old Man = 2

Police Officer = 6

The baby and the police officer both represent a value of 6. They are interchangeable. 

Are you looking for more daily math challenges and puzzles to share with your kids?

Our best-selling workbook 101 Math Challenges for Engaging Your Students in Grades 1-8 is now available as a PDF download!

7.) Day 7 of 17

(Hint: Equivalent emojis are interchangeable!)

Yellow Face = 10

Green Face = 10

Red Face = 17

? = 17


8.) Day 8 of 17

(Hint: Even if you can't find the snail and the alligator individually, you know what their sum is.)

Turtle = 5

Alligator = 7 and Snail = 0, or

Snail = 7 and Alligator = 0

? = 12

One of the pair (alligator and snail) is 7 and the other is 0, but it is not possible to tell which is which.

9.) Day 9 of 17

(Hint: Start with the best food--pizza!)

Cheeseburger = 2

Taco = 8

Pizza = 3

? = 24

If the value of the cheeseburger was zero, then the value of the pizza and the taco would also become zero.

10.) Day 10 of 17

(Hint: Any nonzero value divided by itself equals one!)

Saxophone = 4

Guitar = 4

Keyboard = 4

? = 12

The value of the guitar and the value of the saxophone must be equal (and not zero), since their quotient is one! 


11.) Day 11 of 17

(Hint: Handle that volcano right away!)

Volcano = 1

Statue of Liberty = 3

Rocket = 6

Race Car = 2

Ferris Wheel = 18

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12.) Day 12 of 17

(Hint: Patterns, my friend...patterns!)

Pig = 2

Tiger = 3

Mouse = 4

 “I always look forward to getting my Mashup Math newsletter email every week. I love the free activities!” -Christina R., 5th Grade Math Teacher, Dallas, TX

Do YOU want free math resources, lesson activities, and puzzles and games for grades 1-8 in your inbox every week? Join our mailing list and start getting tons of free stuff (including a free PDF Math Workbook)!

13.) Day 13 of 17

(Hint: Think about what happens when you multiply values by zero and by one)

Avocado = 1

Pancakes = 4

Banana = 6

Donut = 8

Coffee = 0

French Fries = 16

14.) Day 14 of 17

(Hint: The whole diagram represents 182 and the two given sections represent 112. How can you distribute the difference of 70 between the two unknown sections?)

Clown Fish = 4

Octopus = 10

Shark = 40

Crab = 30

Whale = 3

Area Model: 14 x 13

15.) Day 15 of 17

(Hint: This is like a hundreds chart...kinda)

Neon Green = 510

Neon Pink = 80

Neon Blue = 220

Neon Orange = 190

Each box equals 10.

16.) Day 16 of 17

(Hint: Look for patterns within the patterns!)

Case 1: Increases by 2, then 3, then 4...

? = 17

Case 2: Each value is twice the previous value

? = 48

Case 3: Each value is one more than thrice the previous value 

? = 283

17.) Day 17 of 17

(Hint: Just play around with this one until you get it!)

Cow = 3

Fox & Boar = 6 and 7

Monkey & Frog = 8 and 4

Brown Bear & Panda = 9 and 5

Are you looking for more daily math challenges and puzzles to share with your kids?

Our best-selling workbook 101 Math Challenges for Engaging Your Students in Grades 1-8 is now available as a PDF download!

Do you and your kids love our daily math challenges and puzzles? Have thoughts? Please share them in the comments below!

By Anthony Persico

Anthony is the content crafter and head educator for YouTube's MashUp Math and an advisor to Amazon Education's 'With Math I Can' Campaign. You can often find me happily developing animated math lessons to share on my YouTube channel . Or spending way too much time at the gym or playing on my phone.



5 Fun Christmas Math Riddles and Brain Teasers for Grades 1-8


5 Fun Christmas Math Riddles and Brain Teasers for Grades 1-8

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Math teachers often struggle to keep their students engaged during the weeks leading up to winter vacation.

This is a time when your students are extremely excited and anxious about celebrating the holidays and keeping their focus is challenging.

But instead of fighting against your students’ enthusiasm, you can channel it into meaningful learning experiences by incorporating fun holiday-themed Christmas math activities into your lesson plans this month.

And to save you some time, today I am sharing 5 Fun Christmas Math Riddles and Brain Teasers for students in grades 1-8 (with answers included)!

These Christmas Math Activities are a great supplement to our super popular 12 Days of Christmas Math Challenges and 10 Free Christmas Math Activities for Your Kids.

All of the math riddles, puzzles, and brain teasers below are from holiday versions of activities from our best-selling 101 Math Riddles, Puzzles, and Kids Ages 10+!

5 Fun Christmas Math Riddles for Kids:

1.) Christmas Ornaments


Answer: Nick has 9 ornaments in total: 3 blue, 3 green, and 3 red.

Would you like FREE math resources in your inbox every day? Click here to sign up for my free math education email newsletter (and get a free math eBook too!)

2.) Buddy and Hermey


Answer: When Buddy is 100, Hermey will be 97.

3.) How Much for Hot Cocoa?


Answer:  Hot Cocoa costs $1.40 and a cookie costs $0.40.

Are you looking for more super fun Math Riddles, Puzzles, and Brain Teasers to share with your kids?

My best-selling workbook 101 Math Riddles, Puzzles, and Brain Teasers for Kids Ages 10+! is now available as a PDF download. You can get yours today by clicking here.

4.) Holiday Spending Spree


Answer: Dasher spent $120, Prancer spent $240, and Cupid spent $360

5.) How Many Squares? 


Answer: There are 14 total squares (15 if you count the square at the center of the bow on the wreath)

All of today’s math riddles and brain teasers are holiday versions of the puzzles shared in our best-selling workbook: 101 Math Riddles, Puzzles, and Kids Ages 10+!

Here are some samples from the book:


The Gummy Bear Pyramid

In Between

Friday the 13th

101 Math Riddles, Puzzles, and Brain Teasers for Kids Ages 10+! is now available as a PDF download. You can get yours today by clicking here.

Did I miss your favorite math holiday riddle for kids? Share your thoughts, questions, and suggestions in the comments section below!

(Never miss a Mashup Math blog--click here to get our weekly newsletter!)

By Anthony Persico


Anthony is the content crafter and head educator for YouTube's MashUp Math and an advisor to Amazon Education's 'With Math I Can' Campaign. You can often find me happily developing animated math lessons to share on my YouTube channel . Or spending way too much time at the gym or playing on my phone.

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Are Your Students Ready for These Gingerbread House Day Math Puzzles?


Are Your Students Ready for These Gingerbread House Day Math Puzzles?

Are You Ready to Celebrate National Gingerbread House Day in Your Math Classroom This Year?


Did you know that December 12th of every year is National Gingerbread House Day?

This festive holiday celebrates the tradition (traced back as far as the 1600s!) of creating edible houses out of gingerbread cookies, candy, and frosting!

You can at celebrate at home by building your very own gingerbread house with friends, family, and loved ones.

And you can celebrate in your classroom with TWO fun gingerbread-themed math puzzles for students in grades 1-8!

Why? Because sharing Christmas-themed math puzzles and activities (like the 12 Days of Holiday Math Challenges for Grades 1-8 ) is a great way to keep your students engaged and focused on learning math during the weeks leading up to winter vacation.

The 1st Gingerbread House Day Activity is a Multiplication Table Puzzle.

The 2nd Gingerbread House Day Activity is an Order of Operations Puzzle.

Add these activities into your upcoming lessons as warm-ups and/or cool-downs, transitions, extra credit assignments, and homework and watch your students’ engagement skyrocket! Enjoy :)


1.) Gingerbread House Day Multiplication Table

This activity challenges students to use their understanding of multiplication and fact fluency to discover the value of various symbols. Multiple symbols can share the same value. Multiplication tables are read like a bingo card, where the value or symbol in each box represents the product of the corresponding column and row.


*Keep reading to see the solution.

2.) Gingerbread House Day Order of Operations Puzzle

This puzzle requires students to apply their understanding of the order of operations, mathematical reasoning, and logical thinking to find the value of each symbol and the ‘?’

Learn More: Why is GEMS the Best Way to Teach Order of Operations?


*Keep reading to see the solution.

Today’s math puzzles are samples from the best-selling Mashup Math workbook 101 Math Challenges for Engaging Your Students in Grades 3-8.

You can get a copy as a PDF download and/or as a hard copy on Amazon (with free prime shipping!)

Answer Key:

Puzzle #1: Gingerbread House=6, Hard Candy=18, Hot Cocoa=4, Gingerbread Man=12, Candy Cane=16, Gum Drop=24

Puzzle #2: Candy Cane=12, Gum Drop=12, House=36, Gingerbread Man=6, ?=66

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Are Your Kids Ready for These Basketball Math Puzzles?


Are Your Kids Ready for These Basketball Math Puzzles?

Math + Basketball = Fun! Fun! Fun!

Are you and your students huge basketball fans?

Whether it's professional or college hoops, odds are that your kids have a favorite basketball team and get excited about March Madness every spring.

And since both the NBA (professional) and NCAA (college) basketball seasons are currently in full swing, now is a great time to channel some of your kids' enthusiasm for hoops into your lesson plans with a fun basketball-themed math puzzle!

Relating sports to mathematics is a great way to share awesome real-world connections in math, like how talent scouts use math to evaluate players, and channel your students’ enthusiasm for sports into meaningful learning experiences.


The following basketball-themed math puzzles for elementary level and middle school level students are sample activities from our best-selling PDF math workbook: The Big Book of Super Fun Math Puzzles for Grades 1-6.

The puzzles are tiered by difficulty using the following color system used in the workbook.

Pink Level (Grades 1-2) | Blue Level (Grades 3-4) | Green Level (Grades 5-6+)

Free Basketball Math Puzzles for Grades 1-6+


(answer keys to follow)

Pink Level Puzzle ( for Grades 1-2)


Free Guide: How to Use Minecraft Education Edition

Wait! Do You Want More Fun Math Activities and Puzzles Like These to Share with Your Students?

If you and your students had a positive experience with today’s basketball math puzzles, then you will love our latest math puzzle book, The Big Book of Super Fun Math Puzzles for Grades 1-6, which shares 300+ kid-friendly and differentiated math activities that are easy to print and share.

The book covers math topics like:
-adding and subtracting
-multiplying and dividing
-applying order of operations
-multiplication tables
-area models
-math writing activities

It also includes a complete answer key and several useful templates.

Take a Look Inside

You can access the entire Table of Contents by clicking here.

And you can click the links below to access some sample pages:

Pink Level Samples (for Grades 1 and 2): Sample A | Sample B

Blue Level Samples (for Grades 3 and 4): Sample A | Sample B | Sample C

Green Level Samples (for Grades 5 and 6+): Sample A | Sample B | Sample C

There are three puzzles per page and they include the familiar name/date/directions sections that are included in typical math worksheets, which makes them easier to print and share aswarm-up and exit-ticket activities, in lesson plans, and as extra credit and homework assignments.


Click here to get your copy of The Big Book of Super Fun Math Puzzles for Grades 1-6.

And check out the solutions to the basketball-themed puzzles below:

Pink Level (Grades 1-2): basketball=8, hoop=5, sneaker=10, ?=18

Blue Level (Grades 3-4): basketball=12, hoop=6, sneaker=14, clipboard=7, ?=39

Green Level (Grades 5-6+): basketball=6, hoop=6, sneaker=18, clipboard=10, ?=96

Using themed math puzzles is just one awesome time-saving strategy for boosting your students’ engagement. Subscribe to our mailing list here to get more free daily resources, lesson plans, ideas, and insights for K-12 math teachers in your inbox every week.

Read More Posts About Math Education:


By Anthony Persico

Anthony is the lead educator and founder of Mashup Math. He lives in Denver, Colorado and is also a YouTube for Education partner. Follow him on Twitter at @mashupmath.



Celebrate Cake Day in Your Math Classroom with These Free Puzzles


Celebrate Cake Day in Your Math Classroom with These Free Puzzles

Are You Ready to Celebrate National Cake Day in Your Math Classroom?


National Cake Day is celebrated on November 26th every year!

You can celebrate this sweet holiday at home by indulging in a piece of cake (cheesecake is my favorite, while carrot cake is my least). And you can celebrate with your math students in your classroom with two brand new cake day math puzzles for kids in 3rd through 8th grade.

Looking for more holiday-themed math puzzles?

The puzzles are easy to print and are 100% free!

The 1st National Cake Day Activity is a Multiplication Table Puzzle.

The 2nd National Cake Day Activity is an Order of Operations Puzzle.

You can include these activities in your math lessons as warm-ups and/or cool-downs, transitions, extra credit assignments, and as homework.


1.) National Cake Day Multiplication Table Puzzle

Multiplication Table puzzles challenge students to apply their understanding of multiplication and fact fluency to find the value of the different symbols. It is possible that multiple symbols can have the same value. These kinds of puzzles can be read like bingo tables, where the value or symbol in each box represents the product of the corresponding column and row.


*Keep reading to see the solution.

2.) National Cake Day Order of Operations Puzzle

The second puzzle calls on students to apply their understanding of the order of operations, mathematical reasoning skills, and logical thinking to find the value of each symbol and the ‘?’ in the puzzle below.

Learn More: Why is GEMS the Best Way to Teach Order of Operations?


*Keep reading to see the solution.

Today’s Cake Day Math Activities are samples from the best-selling Mashup Math workbook 101 Math Challenges for Engaging Your Students in Grades 3-8.

You can get a copy as a PDF download and/or as a hard copy on Amazon (with free prime shipping!)

Answer Key:

#1: Multiplication Table


#2: Order of Operations

Cake=4, Mixer=4, Oven=23, Eggs=22, ?=111

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