Geometry Worksheets

Click any of the links below to download the corresponding worksheet and answer key.

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▶️ Practice with square roots (A)

▶️ Practice with square roots (B)

▶️ Simplifying Radicals (A)

▶️ Simplifying Radicals (B)

▶️ Adding and Subtracting Radicals (A)

▶️ Adding and Subtracting Radicals (B)

▶️ Multiplying and Dividing Radicals (A)

▶️ Multiplying and Dividing Radicals (B)

▶️ Solving one-step algebraic equations (add/subtract) (A)

▶️ Solving one-step algebraic equations (add/subtract) (B)

▶️ Solving one-step algebraic equations (multiply/divide) (A)

▶️ Solving one-step algebraic equations (multiply/divide) (B)

▶️ Solving one-step algebraic equations (4 operations) (A)

▶️ Solving one-step algebraic equations (4 operations) (B)

▶️ Solving one-step algebraic equations (4 operations) (C)

▶️ Extended Practice: Solving One-Step Equations (A)

▶️ Extended Practice: Solving One-Step Equations (B)

▶️ Solving Two-Step Algebraic Equations (A)

▶️ Solving Two-Step Algebraic Equations (B)

▶️ Solving Two-Step Algebraic Equations (C)

▶️ Solving Two-Step Equations Extended Practice (A)

▶️ Solving Two-Step Equations Extended Practice (B)

▶️ Solving 2-sided algebraic equations (A)

▶️ Solving 2-sided algebraic equations (B)

▶️ Solving 2-sided algebraic equations (C)

▶️ Solving Multi-Step Equations Extended Practice (Beginner)

▶️ Solving Multi-Step Equations Extended Practice (Intermediate)

▶️ Solving Multi-Step Equations Extended Practice (Advanced)

▶️ Extended Practice: Identifying three-dimensional figures

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