5th Grade Math Worksheets
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▶️ Fill in the Missing Place Value (4-Digit Numbers) (A)
▶️ Fill in the Missing Place Value (4-Digit Numbers) (B)
▶️ Fill in the missing place value (5-digit numbers) (A)
▶️ Fill in the missing place value (5-digit numbers) (B)
▶️ Fill in the missing place value (6-digit numbers) (A)
▶️ Fill in the missing place value (6-digit numbers) (B)
▶️ Write 5-digit numbers in expanded form (A)
▶️ Write 5-digit numbers in expanded form (B)
▶️ Write 5-digit numbers in expanded form (C)
▶️ Comparing numbers using > or < (up to 1 million) (A)
▶️ Comparing numbers using > or < (up to 1 million) (B)
▶️ Ordering numbers (up to 1 million) (A)
▶️ Ordering numbers (up to 1 million) (B)
▶️ Identifying a digit’s place value (to thousands) (A)
▶️ Identifying a digit’s place value (to thousands) (B)
▶️ Identifying a digit’s place value (to thousands) (C)
▶️ Identifying a digit’s place value (to thousands) (D)
▶️ Identifying a digit’s place value (to thousands) (E)
▶️ Blank place value reference chart (ones to thousands)
▶️ Rounding to the nearest 10 (A)
▶️ Rounding to the nearest 10 (B)
▶️ Rounding to the nearest 10 (up to 1000) (A)
▶️ Rounding to the nearest 10 (up to 1000) (B)
▶️ Rounding to the nearest hundred (A)
▶️ Rounding to the nearest hundred (B)
▶️ Rounding to the nearest ten or hundred (A)
▶️ Rounding to the nearest ten or hundred (B)
▶️ Rounding to the nearest hundred (0-1,000) (A)
▶️ Rounding to the nearest hundred (0-1,000) (B)
▶️ Rounding to the nearest hundred (0-10,000) (A)
▶️ Rounding to the nearest hundred (0-10,000) (B)
▶️ Rounding to the nearest thousand (0-10,000) (A)
▶️ Rounding to the nearest thousand (0-10,000) (B)
▶️ Mixed Rounding (tens, hundreds, thousands) (A)
▶️ Mixed Rounding (tens, hundreds, thousands) (B)
▶️ Mixed Rounding (tens, hundreds, thousands) (C)
▶️ Rounding to the nearest ten thousand (up to 1 million) (A)
▶️ Rounding to the nearest ten thousand (up to 1 million) (B)
▶️ Rounding to the nearest ten thousand (up to 1 million) (C)
▶️ Naming and Rounding Decimal Places (A)
▶️ Naming and Rounding Decimal Places (B)
▶️ Identifying prime numbers (A)
▶️ Identifying prime numbers (B)
▶️ Factoring numbers (up to 50) (A)
▶️ Factoring numbers (up to 50) (B)
▶️ Factoring numbers (up to 50) (C)
▶️ Factoring numbers (up to 50) (D)
▶️ Factoring numbers (up to 100) (A)
▶️ Factoring numbers (up to 100) (B)
▶️ Factoring numbers (up to 100) (C)
▶️ Finding Greatest Common Factor (GCF) (A)
▶️ Finding Greatest Common Factor (GCF) (B)
▶️ Finding Least Common Multiple (LCM) (A)
▶️ Finding Least Common Multiple (LCM) (B)
▶️ Identifying prime factors (up to 50) (A)
▶️ Identifying prime factors (up to 50) (B)
▶️ Identifying prime factors (up to 50) (C)
▶️ Identifying prime factors (up to 100) (A)
▶️ Adding 3 Numbers in Columns (A)
▶️ Adding 3 Numbers in Columns (B)
▶️ Adding 4 Numbers in Columns (A)
▶️ Adding 4 Numbers in Columns (B)
▶️ Multi-Digit Addition with Regrouping
▶️ Practice: Mixed Addition and Subtraction (A)
▶️ Practice: Mixed Addition and Subtraction (B)
▶️ Adding 5 Numbers in Columns (A)
▶️ Adding 5 Numbers in Columns (B)
▶️ Addition practice: add to the next ten
▶️ Addition practice: adding whole tens
▶️ Addition: fill in the missing number (up to 100)
▶️ Adding double-digit numbers (A)
▶️ Adding double-digit numbers (B)
▶️ Adding triple-digit numbers
▶️ Adding whole tens (3 addends) (A)
▶️ Adding whole tens (3 addends) (B)
▶️ Adding whole hundreds (2 addends) (A)
▶️ Adding whole hundreds (2 addends) (B)
▶️ Adding whole hundreds (3 addends) (A)
▶️ Adding whole hundreds (3 addends) (B)
▶️ Adding whole thousands and hundreds (A)
▶️ Adding whole thousands and hundreds (B)
▶️ Adding two four-digit numbers (vertical)
▶️ Adding three four-digit numbers (vertical)
▶️ Mixed addition and subtraction (single-digit)
▶️ Mixed addition and subtraction (2-digit) A
▶️ Mixed addition and subtraction (2-digit) B
▶️ Mixed addition and subtraction (3-digit)
▶️ Complete whole thousands (A)
▶️ Complete whole thousands (B)
▶️ Adding 4-digit numbers (vertical)
▶️ Adding 5-digit numbers (vertical)
▶️ Adding 5 and 6-digit numbers (vertical)
▶️ Vertical subtraction (to 50)
▶️ Vertical subtraction (to 100)
▶️ Subtraction: fill in the missing number (up to 10)
▶️ Subtraction: fill in the missing number (up to 20)
▶️ Subtraction: fill in the missing number (up to 100)
▶️ Subtracting double-digit numbers (A)
▶️ Subtracting double-digit numbers (B)
▶️ Subtracting triple-digit numbers
▶️ Subtracting whole tens from 2-digit numbers (A)
▶️ Subtracting whole tens from 2-digit numbers (B)
▶️ Subtracting whole tens from 3-digit numbers (A)
▶️ Subtracting whole tens from 3-digit numbers (B)
▶️ Subtracting whole hundreds from 3-digit numbers (A)
▶️ Subtracting whole hundreds from 3-digit numbers (B)
▶️ Subtracting 3-digit numbers (vertical) (A)
▶️ Subtracting 3-digit numbers (vertical) (B)
▶️ Subtracting 4-digit numbers (vertical) (A)
▶️ Subtracting 4-digit numbers (vertical) (B)
▶️ Subtract by borrowing over two zeros
▶️ Subtract by borrowing over three zeros
▶️ Subtraction practice: subtract to the next ten
▶️ Subtraction practice: subtracting whole tens
▶️ Practice subtracting large numbers (A)
▶️ Practice subtracting large numbers (B)
▶️ Subtracting large numbers (missing number) (A)
▶️ Multiplication Table (to 12) - Completed + Blank
▶️ Practice Multiplying by 3, 4, or 5 (A)
▶️ Practice Multiplying by 3, 4, or 5 (B)
▶️ Practice Multiplying by 6, 7, or 8 (A)
▶️ Practice Multiplying by 6, 7, or 8 (B)
▶️ Practice Multiplying by 9 (A)
▶️ Practice Multiplying by 9 (B)
▶️ Practice Multiplying by 5 or 10 (A)
▶️ Practice Multiplying by 5 or 10 (B)
▶️ Practice Multiplying by 10, 11, or 12 (A)
▶️ Practice Multiplying by 10, 11, or 12 (B)
▶️ Multiplication Practice: Missing Factors (A)
▶️ Multiplication Practice: Missing Factors (B)
▶️ Multiplying Using Arrays (A)
▶️ Multiplying Using Arrays (B)
▶️ Multiplying Using Arrays (C)
▶️ Multiplying Double-Digit Numbers (A)
▶️ Multiplying Double-Digit Numbers (B)
▶️ Mixed multiplication practice (0-12) (A)
▶️ Mixed multiplication practice (0-12) (B)
▶️ Mixed multiplication practice (0-12) (C)
▶️ Mixed multiplication practice (0-12) (D)
▶️ Mixed multiplication practice (0-12) (E)
▶️ Mixed multiplication practice (0-12) (F)
▶️ Multiplication practice - missing factors (0-5) (A)
▶️ Multiplication practice - missing factors (0-5) (B)
▶️ Multiplication practice - missing factors (6-10) (A)
▶️ Multiplication practice - missing factors (6-10) (B)
▶️ Multiplication practice - missing factors (8-12) (A)
▶️ Multiplication practice - missing factors (8-12) (B)
▶️ Multiplying whole tens by whole tens (A)
▶️ Multiplying whole tens by whole tens (B)
▶️ Multiplying whole tens by whole hundreds (A)
▶️ Multiplying whole tens by whole hundreds (B)
▶️ Multiplying whole tens by whole thousands (A)
▶️ Multiplying whole tens by whole thousands (B)
▶️ Multiplying whole hundreds by 1-digit numbers (A)
▶️ Multiplying whole hundreds by 1-digit numbers (B)
▶️ Column multiplication: 2-digit by 1-digit (A)
▶️ Column multiplication: 2-digit by 1-digit (B)
▶️ Column multiplication: 3-digit by 1-digit (A)
▶️ Column multiplication: 3-digit by 1-digit (B)
▶️ Column multiplication: 4-digit by 1-digit (A)
▶️ Column multiplication: 4-digit by 1-digit (B)
▶️ Multiplying 4-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers
▶️ Multiplying 5-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers
▶️ Multiplying 3-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers
▶️ Multiplying 4-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers
▶️ Multiplying 3-digit numbers by 3-digit numbers
▶️ Multiplying 4-digit numbers by 3-digit numbers
▶️ Commutative property of Multiplication (A)
▶️ Commutative property of Multiplication (B)
▶️ Associative property of Multiplication (A)
▶️ Associative property of Multiplication (B)
▶️ Distributive property of Multiplication (A)
▶️ Distributive property of Multiplication (B)
▶️ Multiplying in parts (distributive property) (A)
▶️ Multiplying in parts (distributive property) (B)
▶️ Model the Distributive Property Using Arrays (A)
▶️ Model the Distributive Property Using Arrays (B)
▶️ Model the Distributive Property Using Arrays (C)
▶️ Dividing single-digit numbers (mixed)
▶️ Division facts practice (0-10) (A)
▶️ Division facts practice (0-10) (B)
▶️ Division facts practice (0-12) (A)
▶️ Division facts practice (0-12) (B)
▶️ Dividing double-digit numbers (A)
▶️ Dividing double-digit numbers (B)
▶️ Dividing double-digit numbers (C)
▶️ Find the missing dividend/divisor (1-12) (A)
▶️ Find the missing dividend/divisor (1-12) (B)
▶️ Find the missing dividend/divisor (1-12) (C)
▶️ Dividing by whole hundreds (A)
▶️ Dividing by whole hundreds (B)
▶️ Dividing 3 or 4-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers (A)
▶️ Dividing 3 or 4-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers (B)
▶️ Mixed multiplication and division (A)
▶️ Mixed multiplication and division (B)
▶️ Long division practice (divisors 1-12) (no remainder) (A)
▶️ Long division practice (divisors 1-12) (no remainder) (B)
▶️ Long division practice (divisors 1-12) (no remainder) (C)
▶️ Long division practice (divisors 1-12) (no remainder) (D)
▶️ Long division practice (divisors 1-12) (possible remainder) (A)
▶️ Long division practice (divisors 1-12) (possible remainder) (B)
▶️ Long division practice (divisors 1-12) (possible remainder) (C)
▶️ Long division practice (divisors 1-2) (possible remainder) (D)
▶️ Long division with remainders (divisors 10-25) (A)
▶️ Long division with remainders (divisors 10-25) (B)
▶️ Long division with remainders (divisors 10-99) (A)
▶️ Long division with remainders (divisors 10-99) (B)
▶️ Long Division Quick Practice (1 and 2-digit divisors) (A)
▶️ Long Division Quick Practice (1 and 2-digit divisors) (B)
▶️ Long Division Quick Practice (1 and 2-digit divisors) (C)
▶️ Long Division Quick Practice (1 and 2-digit divisors) (D)
▶️ Long division estimation (multiple choice) (A)
▶️ Long division estimation (multiple choice) (B)
▶️ Division practice: missing dividend/divisor (A)
▶️ Division practice: missing dividend/divisor (B)
▶️ Division practice: missing dividend/divisor (C)
▶️ Using division to find missing factors (A)
▶️ Adding/Subtracting 3 numbers (w/ parenthesis) (A)
▶️ Adding/Subtracting 3 numbers (w/ parenthesis) (B)
▶️ Adding/Subtracting 4 numbers (w/ parenthesis) (A)
▶️ Adding/Subtracting 4 numbers (w/ parenthesis) (B)
▶️ Adding/Subtracting 5 numbers (w/ parenthesis) (A)
▶️ Adding/Subtracting 5 numbers (w/ parenthesis) (B)
▶️ Adding/Subtracting 6 numbers (w/ parenthesis) (A)
▶️ Adding/Subtracting 6 numbers (w/ parenthesis) (B)
▶️ Adding/Subtracting/Multiply (no parenthesis) (3-4 numbers)
▶️ Adding/Subtracting/Multiply (w/parenthesis) (3-4 numbers)
▶️ Adding/Subtracting/Multiply (no parenthesis) (5-6 numbers)
▶️ Adding/Subtracting/Multiply (w/parenthesis) (5-6 numbers)
▶️ Extra practice (order of operations up to 6 terms) (A)
▶️ Extra practice (order of operations up to 6 terms) (B)
▶️ Extra practice (order of operations up to 6 terms) (C)
▶️ Practice: Order of Operations with Exponents (A)
▶️ Practice: Order of Operations with Exponents (B)
▶️ Practice: Order of Operations with Exponents (C)
▶️ Practice: Order of Operations with Exponents (D)
▶️ Practice: Order of Operations with Nested Parenthesis (A)
▶️ Practice: Order of Operations with Nested Parenthesis (B)
▶️ Practice: Order of Operations with Nested Parenthesis (C)
▶️ Compare fractions >, <, or = (common denominators)(A)
▶️ Compare fractions >, <, or = (common denominators)(B)
▶️ Compare fractions >, <, or = (uncommon denominators)(A)
▶️ Compare fractions >, <, or = (uncommon denominators)(B)
▶️ Compare fractions >, <, or = (improper fractions)(A)
▶️ Compare fractions >, <, or = (improper fractions)(B)
▶️ Compare fractions >, <, or = (mixed numbers)(A)
▶️ Compare fractions >, <, or = (mixed numbers)(B)
▶️ Simplifying Fractions Extended Practice
▶️ Equivalent Fractions - Coloring Circles
▶️ Equivalent Fractions - True or False?
▶️ Equivalent Fractions - Fill in the Missing Values
▶️ Equivalent Fractions Practice (A)
▶️ Equivalent Fractions Practice (B)
▶️ Equivalent Fractions Practice (C)
▶️ Adding Fractions (common denominators) (A)
▶️ Adding Fractions (common denominators) (B)
▶️ Subtracting Fractions (common denominators) (A)
▶️ Subtracting Fractions (common denominators) (B)
▶️ Adding Fractions (unlike denominators) (A)
▶️ Adding Fractions (unlike denominators) (B)
▶️ Subtracting Fractions (unlike denominators) (A)
▶️ Subtracting Fractions (unlike denominators) (B)
▶️ Mixed Adding/Subtracting Fractions (Unlike Denominators)
▶️ Adding Fractions and Mixed Numbers (A)
▶️ Adding Fractions and Mixed Numbers (B)
▶️ Adding Fractions Extended Practice
▶️ Subtracting Mixed Numbers (A)
▶️ Subtracting Mixed Numbers (B)
▶️ Subtracting Mixed Numbers (C)
▶️ Subtracting Mixed Fractions from Whole Numbers (A)
▶️ Subtracting Mixed Fractions from Whole Numbers (B)
▶️ Subtracting Fractions Extended Practice
▶️ Add/Subtract Fractions and Mixed Numbers Extended Practice
▶️ Completing whole numbers w/ fractions (A)
▶️ Completing whole numbers w/ fractions (B)
▶️ Completing whole numbers w/ fractions (C)
▶️ Completing whole numbers w/ fractions (D)
▶️ Converting mixed numbers to fractions (A)
▶️ Converting mixed numbers to fractions (B)
▶️ Converting fractions to mixed numbers (A)
▶️ Converting fractions to mixed numbers (B)
▶️ Multiplying fractions and whole numbers (A)
▶️ Multiplying fractions and whole numbers (B)
▶️ Multiplying Fractions and Whole Numbers Extended Practice
▶️ Multiplying fractions and whole numbers (missing factor) (A)
▶️ Multiplying fractions and whole numbers (missing factor) (B)
▶️ Multiplying fractions (easy) (A)
▶️ Multiplying fractions (easy) (B)
▶️ Multiplying fractions (intermediate) (A)
▶️ Multiplying fractions (intermediate) (B)
▶️ Multiplying fractions (missing factors) (A)
▶️ Multiplying fractions (missing factors) (B)
▶️ Multiplying Fractions by Fractions Extended Practice
▶️ Multiplying improper fractions (A)
▶️ Multiplying improper fractions (B)
▶️ Multiplying fractions by mixed numbers (A)
▶️ Multiplying fractions by mixed numbers (B)
▶️ Multiplying mixed numbers (A)
▶️ Multiplying mixed numbers (B)
▶️ Divide whole numbers by fractions (A)
▶️ Divide whole numbers by fractions (B)
▶️ Divide fractions by whole numbers (A)
▶️ Divide fractions by whole numbers (B)
▶️ Dividing fractions (easy) (A)
▶️ Dividing fractions (easy) (B)
▶️ Dividing fractions (intermediate) (A)
▶️ Dividing fractions (intermediate) (B)
▶️ Dividing Fractions Extended Practice
▶️ Dividing mixed numbers by fractions (A)
▶️ Dividing mixed numbers by fractions (B)
▶️ Decimal Basics – Place Value, Comparing, Adding (A)
▶️ Decimal Basics – Place Value, Comparing, Adding (B)
▶️ Converting fractions to decimals (A)
▶️ Converting fractions to decimals (B)
▶️ Converting fractions to decimals (C)
▶️ Converting Between Fractions & Decimals Extended Practice
▶️ Converting mixed numbers to decimals (A)
▶️ Converting mixed numbers to decimals (B)
▶️ Comparing decimals >, <, or = (A)
▶️ Comparing decimals >, <, or = (B)
▶️ Adding decimals practice (A)
▶️ Adding decimals practice (B)
▶️ Adding decimals practice (C)
▶️ Decimal addition (missing number) (A)
▶️ Decimal addition (missing number) (B)
▶️ Subtracting decimals practice (A)
▶️ Subtracting decimals practice (B)
▶️ Subtracting decimals practice (C)
▶️ Decimal subtraction (missing number) (A)
▶️ Decimal subtraction (missing number) (B)
▶️ Adding and subtracting decimals (mixed practice)
▶️ Adding and Subtracting Decimals Extended Practice
▶️ Multiply decimals by 10 or 100 (A)
▶️ Multiply decimals by 10 or 100 (B)
▶️ Multiply decimals by 10, 100, or 1,000
▶️ Multiply 3-digit decimals by 10, 100, or 1000
▶️ Multiplying Decimals by 10/100/1,000 Extended Practice
▶️ Missing factors: decimals x 10, 100 or 1,000 (missing factor) (A)
▶️ Missing factors: decimals x 10, 100 or 1,000 (missing factor) (B)
▶️ Multiplying whole numbers by decimals (1-digit)
▶️ Multiplying whole numbers by decimals (2-digit)
▶️ Multiplying whole numbers by decimals (1 and 2-digit)
▶️ Multiplying whole numbers by decimals (missing factor) (A)
▶️ Multiplying whole numbers by decimals (missing factor) (B)
▶️ Multiplying decimals by decimals (A)
▶️ Multiplying decimals by decimals (B)
▶️ Multiplying decimals by decimals (missing factor) (A)
▶️ Making double bar graphs (A)
▶️ Making double bar graphs (B)
▶️ Making double bar graphs (C)
▶️ Analyzing double bar graphs (A)
▶️ Analyzing double bar graphs (B)
▶️ Analyzing double bar graphs (C)
▶️ Practice with pie charts (A)
▶️ Practice with pie charts (B)
▶️ Practice with pie charts (C)
▶️ Practice with pie charts (D)
▶️ Line Plots with Fractions (A)
▶️ Line Plots with Fractions (B)
▶️ Blank Venn Diagram (2 circles)
▶️ Blank Venn Diagram (3 circles)
▶️ Making Stem-and-Leaf Plots (A)
▶️ Making Stem-and-Leaf Plots (B)
▶️ Reading Stem-and-Leaf Plots (A)
▶️ Reading Stem-and-Leaf Plots (B)
▶️ Drawing Double Line Graphs (A)
▶️ Drawing Double Line Graphs (B)
▶️ Analyzing Double Line Graphs (A)
▶️ Naming Three-Dimensional Shapes
▶️ Drawing lines of symmetry (A)
▶️ Drawing lines of symmetry (B)
▶️ Find the area of each rectangle (A)
▶️ Find the area of each rectangle (B)
▶️ Find the area of each rectangle (C)
▶️ Draw the figure given the area (using a grid) (A)
▶️ Draw the figure given the area (using a grid) (B)
▶️ Draw the figure given the area (using a grid) (C)
▶️ Find area/perimeter of irregular rectangular shapes (A)
▶️ Find area/perimeter of irregular rectangular shapes (B)
▶️ Find area/perimeter of irregular rectangular shapes (C)
▶️ Classifying lines, line segments, and rays (A)
▶️ Classifying lines, line segments, and rays (B)
▶️ Classifying angles: right, acute, or obtuse (A)
▶️ Classifying angles: right, acute, or obtuse (B)
▶️ Classifying parallel and perpendicular lines (A)
▶️ Classifying parallel and perpendicular lines (B)
▶️ Estimating angle measures (A)
▶️ Estimating angle measures (B)
▶️ Find area of right triangles (A)
▶️ Find area of right triangles (B)
▶️ Find area of parallelograms (A)
▶️ Find area of parallelograms (B)
▶️ Find area of trapezoids (A)
▶️ Find area of trapezoids (B)
▶️ Classifying Quadrilaterals (A)
▶️ Classifying Quadrilaterals (B)
▶️ Angle Construction Using a Protractor (A)
▶️ Angle Construction Using a Protractor (B)
▶️ Measure Angles Using a Protractor (A)
▶️ Measure Angles Using a Protractor (B)
▶️ Find the circumference of a circle (A)
▶️ Find the circumference of a circle (B)
▶️ Find the area of a circle (A)
▶️ Find the area of a circle (B)
▶️ Drawing lines of symmetry (A)
▶️ Drawing lines of symmetry (B)
▶️ Find the volume of a rectangular prism (A)
▶️ Find the volume of a rectangular prism (B)
▶️ Find the surface area of a rectangular prism (A)
▶️ Find the surface area of a rectangular prism (B)
▶️ Plotting Points (All Quadrants) (A)
▶️ Plotting Points (All Quadrants) (B)
▶️ Reading Points (All Quadrants) (A)
▶️ Reading Points (All Quadrants) (B)
⤓ Pokemon Coordinate Points Activity
▶️ Translations on the coordinate plane (A)
▶️ Translations on the coordinate plane (B)
▶️ Rotations on the coordinate plane (A)
▶️ Rotations on the coordinate plane (B)
▶️ Reflections on the coordinate plane (A)
▶️ Reflections on the coordinate plane (B)
▶️ Dilations on the coordinate plane (A)
▶️ Dilations on the coordinate plane (B)
▶️ Estimating lengths (Standard)
▶️ Estimating lengths (Metric)
▶️ Comparing weights using > or < (A)
▶️ Comparing weights using > or < (B)
▶️ Comparing capacities using > or < (A)
▶️ Comparing capacities using > or < (B)
▶️ Convert Inches, Feet, and Yards (A)
▶️ Convert Inches, Feet, and Yards (B)
▶️ Convert Inches, Feet, and Yards (C)
▶️ Convert Grams and Kilograms (A)
▶️ Convert Grams and Kilograms (B)
▶️ Convert Grams and Kilograms (C)
▶️ Convert centimeters, millimeters, and meters (A)
▶️ Convert centimeters, millimeters, and meters (B)
▶️ Convert between ounces and pounds (A)
▶️ Convert between ounces and pounds (B)
▶️ Convert between cups, pints, quarts, and gallons (A)
▶️ Convert between cups, pints, quarts, and gallons (B)
▶️ Convert between liters and milliliters (A)
▶️ Convert between liters and milliliters (B)
▶️ Convert Inches and Centimeters (A)
▶️ Convert Inches and Centimeters (B)
▶️ Convert Pounds and Kilograms (A)
▶️ Convert Pounds and Kilograms (B)
▶️ Convert Liters and Gallons (A)
▶️ Convert Liters and Gallons (B)
▶️ Practice reading a thermometer (Fahrenheit)
▶️ Practice reading a thermometer (Celsius)
▶️ Converting between Fahrenheit and Celsius (A)
▶️ Converting between Fahrenheit and Celsius (B)
▶️ Identifying perfect squares (A)
▶️ Identifying perfect squares (B)
▶️ Practice with square roots (A)
▶️ Practice with square roots (B)
▶️ Identifying Ratios Using Diagrams (A)
▶️ Identifying Ratios Using Diagrams (B)
▶️ Writing Ratios from Statements (A)
▶️ Writing Ratios from Statements (B)
▶️ Practice with Equivalent Ratios (A)
▶️ Practice with Equivalent Ratios (B)
▶️ Practice with Equivalent Ratios (C)
▶️ Practice with Equivalent Ratios (D)
▶️ Solving Simple Proportions (A)
▶️ Solving Simple Proportions (B)
▶️ Solving Simple Proportions (C)
▶️ Ratio and Proportions Practice Problems (A)
▶️ Ratio and Proportions Practice Problems (B)
▶️ Ratio and Proportions Practice Problems (C)
▶️ Basic Unit Rates (Price per Item & Speed) (A)
▶️ Basic Unit Rates (Price per Item & Speed) (B)
▶️ Basic Unit Rates (Price per Item & Speed) (C)
▶️ Finding Probability Using Diagrams (A)
▶️ Finding Probability Using Diagrams (B)
▶️ Finding Probability Using Diagrams (C)
▶️ Simple Probability Questions (A)
▶️ Simple Probability Questions (B)
▶️ Simple Probability Questions (C)
▶️ Probability Practice: Spinning Wheel
▶️ Probability Practice: Playing Cards
▶️ Probability Practice: Dart Board
▶️ Probability Practice: Lottery
▶️ Finding the Range of a Data Set (A)
▶️ Finding the Range of a Data Set (B)
▶️ Finding the Mode of a Data Set (A)
▶️ Finding the Mode of a Data Set (B)
▶️ Finding the Median of a Data Set (A)
▶️ Finding the Median of a Data Set (B)
▶️ Finding the Mean of a Data Set (A)
▶️ Finding the Mean of a Data Set (B)
▶️ Finding the Mean of a Data Set (C)
▶️ Finding Mean, Median, Mode, and Range (A)
▶️ Finding Mean, Median, Mode, and Range (B)
▶️ Finding Mean, Median, Mode, and Range (C)
▶️ Extra Rractice with Mean, Median, and Mode (A)
▶️ Extra Practice with Mean, Median, and Mode (B)
▶️ Extra Practice with Mean, Median, and Mode (C)
▶️ Extra Practice with Mean, Median, and Mode (D)
▶️ Mean, Median, and Mode Playing Cards Activity
▶️ Mean, Median, and Mode Real World Problems (A)
▶️ Solving Simple One-Step Equations (A)
▶️ Solving Simple One-Step Equations (B)
▶️ Writing algebraic expressions (one step) (A)
▶️ Writing algebraic expressions (one step) (B)
▶️ Writing algebraic expressions (one step) (C)
▶️ Writing algebraic expressions (one or two step) (A)
▶️ Writing algebraic expressions (one or two step) (B)
▶️ Writing algebraic expressions (one or two step) (C)
▶️ Evaluating expressions (add/subtract) (one variable) (A)
▶️ Evaluating expressions (add/subtract) (one variable) (B)
▶️ Evaluating expressions (multiply/divide) (one variable) (A)
▶️ Evaluating expressions (multiply/divide) (one variable) (B)
▶️ Evaluating expressions (4 operations) (one variable) (A)
▶️ Evaluating expressions (4 operations) (one variable) (B)
▶️ Evaluating expressions (w/ exponents) (one variable) (A)
▶️ Evaluating expressions (w/ exponents) (one variable) (B)
▶️ Evaluating expressions (add/subtract) (two variables) (A)
▶️ Evaluating expressions (add/subtract) (two variables) (B)
▶️ Evaluating expressions (multiply/divide) (two variables) (A)
▶️ Evaluating expressions (multiply/divide) (two variables) (B)
▶️ Evaluating expressions (4 operations) (two variables) (A)
▶️ Evaluating expressions (4 operations) (two variables) (B)
▶️ Evaluating expressions (w/ exponents) (two variables) (A)
▶️ Evaluating expressions (w/ exponents) (two variables) (B)
▶️ Simplifying expressions (combine like terms) (A)
▶️ Simplifying expressions (combine like terms) (B)
▶️ Simplifying expressions (combine like terms) (C)
▶️ Extra Practice: Combining Like Terms (A)
▶️ Extra Practice: Combining Like Terms (B)
▶️ Solving one-step algebraic equations (add/subtract) (A)
▶️ Solving one-step algebraic equations (add/subtract) (B)
▶️ Solving one-step algebraic equations (multiply/divide) (A)
▶️ Solving one-step algebraic equations (multiply/divide) (B)
▶️ Solving one-step algebraic equations (4 operations) (A)
▶️ Solving one-step algebraic equations (4 operations) (B)
▶️ Solving one-step algebraic equations (4 operations) (C)
▶️ Extended Practice: Solving One-Step Equations (A)
▶️ Extended Practice: Solving One-Step Equations (B)
▶️ Solving Two-Step Algebraic Equations (A)
▶️ Solving Two-Step Algebraic Equations (B)
▶️ Solving Two-Step Algebraic Equations (C)
▶️ Solving Two-Step Equations Extended Practice (A)
▶️ Solving Two-Step Equations Extended Practice (B)
▶️ Solving 2-sided algebraic equations (A)
▶️ Solving 2-sided algebraic equations (B)
▶️ Solving 2-sided algebraic equations (C)
▶️ Solving Multi-Step Equations Extended Practice (Beginner)
▶️ Solving Multi-Step Equations Extended Practice (Intermediate)
▶️ Completing two variable equation tables (A)
▶️ Completing two variable equation tables (B)
▶️ Completing two variable equation tables (C)
▶️ Solving one-step inequalities (A)
▶️ Solving one-step inequalities (B)
▶️ Solving two-step inequalities (A)
▶️ Solving two-step inequalities (B)
▶️ Solving multi-step inequalities (A)
▶️ Solving multi-step inequalities (B)
▶️ Writing equations using tables (A)
▶️ Writing equations using tables (B)
▶️ Writing equations using tables (C)
▶️ Multiplying Exponents with the Same Base (A)
▶️ Multiplying Exponents with the Same Base (B)
▶️ Dividing Exponents with the Same Base (A)
▶️ Dividing Exponents with the Same Base (B)
▶️ Practice with Scientific Notation (A)
▶️ Addition Word Problems (3-Digit) (A)
▶️ Addition Word Problems (3-Digit) (B)
▶️ Subtraction Word Problems (3-digit)
▶️ Mixed Addition and Subtraction Word Problems (A)
▶️ Mixed Addition and Subtraction Word Problems (B)
▶️ Mixed Addition and Subtraction Word Problems (C)
▶️ Multiplication Word Problems (single-digit)
▶️ Multiplication Word Problems (double-digit) (A)
▶️ Multiplication Word Problems (double-digit) (B)
▶️ Division word problems (basic) (A)
▶️ Division word problems (basic) (B)
▶️ Division word problems (basic) (C)
▶️ Division word problems (basic) (D)
▶️ Division word problems (intermediate) (A)
▶️ Division word problems (intermediate) (B)
▶️ Division word problems (intermediate (C)
▶️ Division word problems (intermediate) (D)
▶️ Division word problems (advanced) (A)
▶️ Division word problems (advanced) (B)
▶️ Division word problems (advanced) (C)
▶️ Division word problems (advanced) (D)
▶️ Mixed multiplication and division word problems (A)
▶️ Mixed multiplication and division word problems (B)
▶️ Mixed multiplication and division word problems (C)
▶️ Mixed multiplication and division word problems (D)
▶️ Mixed 4 operations word problems (A)
▶️ Mixed 4 operations word problems (B)
▶️ Mixed 4 operations word problems (C)
▶️ Shopping word problems (money counting) (A)
▶️ Shopping word problems (money counting) (B)
▶️ Shopping word problems (money counting) (C)
▶️ Estimation and rounding word problems
▶️ Measurement word problems (in, ft, and yds) (A)
▶️ Measurement word problems (in, ft, and yds) (B)
▶️ Measurement word problems (cm, mm, and m) (A)
▶️ Measurement word problems (cm, mm, and m) (B)
▶️ Length word problems (in inches) (A)
▶️ Length word problems (in inches) (B)
▶️ Length word problems (in centimeters) (A)
▶️ Length word problems (in centimeters) (B)
▶️ Adding/Subtracting decimals word problems (A)
▶️ Adding/Subtracting decimals word problems (B)
▶️ Adding/Subtracting decimals word problems (C)
▶️ Adding/Subtracting fractions word problems (A)
▶️ Adding/Subtracting fractions word problems (B)
▶️ Adding/Subtracting fractions word problems (easy) (C)
▶️ Adding/Subtracting fractions word problems (advanced) (D)
▶️ Multiplying fractions by whole numbers word problems (A)
▶️ Multiplying fractions by whole numbers word problems (B)
▶️ Fractions and expressions word problems (A)
▶️ Fractions and expressions word problems (B)
▶️ Variables and expressions word problems (A)
▶️ Variables and expressions word problems (B)
▶️ Variables and expressions word problems (C)
▶️ Variables and equations word problems (A)
▶️ Variables and equations word problems (B)
▶️ Variables and equations word problems (C)
▶️ Solving One-Step and Two-Step Equations Word Problems (A)
▶️ Solving One-Step and Two-Step Equations Word Problems (B)
▶️ Area of a circle word problems (A)
▶️ Area of a circle word problems (B)
▶️ Circumference of a circle word problems (A)
▶️ Circumference of a circle word problems (B)
▶️ Area and perimeter of a rectangle word problems (A)
▶️ Area and perimeter of a rectangle word problems (B)
▶️ Volume of rectangular prism word problems (A)
▶️ Volume of rectangular prism word problems (B)
▶️ Volume of rectangular prism word problems (C)
▶️ Multi-step Word Problem: Snappy Rental Car
▶️ Multi-step Word Problem: Neil’s Square Paper
▶️ Multi-step Word Problem: Lilly Goes Shopping
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